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Externships and Clinics

We’re here for experience that leads to excellence.

You don’t become an exceptional lawyer simply by reading. You become one by doing. By learning at the elbow of those who have come before you. One way you’ll do that at Creighton University School of Law is through externships.

Externships give you the opportunity to:

  • Explore future career options
  • Experience what lawyering is like in the workplace
  • Apply what you’re learning in law school to the real world
  • Learn from practitioners who are doing what you want to do
  • Assess if a particular career or place is ideal for you
  • Connect with professionals who might lead you to your future career

Our Approach

Our list of available externships is extensive. They are in the offices of county attorneys, city attorneys, public defenders, judges, nonprofit hospitals, universities and other nonprofits. They’re on campus—and across the state, the country and even the world. Some require senior certification; some have course prerequisites.

Externship and Clinic Credit

Students will earn four (4) credits: one (1) graded classroom credit and three (3) non-classroom credits on a pass/fail basis. Students may take a second externship for three (3) non-classroom credits.

Clinical legal experiences in the Milton R. Abrahams Legal Clinic or Creighton Immigrant and Refugee clinic also earn students one (1) graded classroom credit and three (3) non-classroom credits on a pass/fail basis.

Cultivating Legal Excellence: Madi’s Clerkship Experiences

Madi Bigler had the unique opportunity to clerk at Pansing Hogan Ernst & Buser LLP, a law firm run by Creighton graduates.

Thanks to the Bluejay connection, Madi was able to dive into her clerkship gaining hands-on experience with legal work and procedures, bridging classroom learning with practical skills.