Aesop's Fables  >  Aesop's Artifacts >...> Turkish Trophies 51 to 100  >  50-100 A through F

50-100 A through F

The Ant and the Dove

The Blacksmith and His Dog

The Boy and the Filberts

The Bundle of Sticks

The Cattle and the Butchers

The Crab and Her Mother

The Creaking Wheels

The Deer and the Vine

The Dog in the Manger

The Donkey and His Driver

The Donkey and His Masters

The Eagle and the Arrow

The Eagle and the Jackdaw

The Farmer and the Stork

The Fighting Cocks and the Eagle

The Fir Tree and the Bramble

The Fox and the Crow

The Fox and the Goat

The Fox and the Lion