Aesop's Fables  >  Aesop's Artifacts >...> Stock Series  >  Aux Phares de la Bastille

Aux Phares de la Bastille

1890? 5 cards presenting La Fontaine's MM. The cards follow the fable's text up to a natural break preceding a reflection ("Do not all of us daydream?") by La Fontaine. Perhaps there is another card or two in the series, but I doubt it.  Paris: Imp. Clamaron, Rue St. Jacques.  €15 for the five in St. Ouen, August, '13.

The pictures are monochromatic blue-and-white, with five or six lines per card at the bottom. The text and picture are not coordinated. In the text, for example, Perette is still thinking about cows when the picture already shows the milk fallen. The whole series ends with the line "They call it 'The Pot of Milk.'" This set is identical in picture with a set listed under "Clamaron," which remains the printer.  But each card in this set is stamped "Aux Phares de la Bastille: Habillements pour Hommes & Enfants."  A fuller advertisement for this shop is on each verso.  These cards, by contrast with those, are numbered.