Aesop's Fables  >  Aesop's Artifacts >...> 1995 French LaF  >  1995 French Envelopes with Gold Rectangles

1995 French Envelopes with Gold Rectangles

1995 Set of six FDC envelopes featuring a first-day postmark, one (or on the first card, three) of the La Fontaine fable stamps issued on June 24, 1995, and a hologram-like art work surrounded by a gold frame like the outer edges of a stamp. Nice: Éditions Philatélique. $29.50 for the set of six from Alexandre Przopiorski, Lyon, France, April, '99.

The art work here is simpler than the work of Delierre and others on the FDC postcards issued the same day. There is no acknowledgement of the artist. Perhaps the work among these with the most vigor is WL. I presume that Éditions Philatélique in Nice, which published this set, is allied with Carte Philatélique in Paris, which published that set.

Click on any envelope to see it full-size.

Le Chat, la Belette et le Petit Lapin