Aesop's Fables  >  Aesop's Artifacts >...> 1995 French LaF  >  1995 French Envelopes with Stamp Image

1995 French Envelopes with Stamp Image

1995 6 large envelopes, each featuring in its upper left corner an enlarged representation of one of the series of La Fontaine fable stamps issued on June 24, 1995. The envelope bears that same stamp in the upper right. The envelopes came with five matching cards (see the next entry) bearing the same characteristics; only the FC envelope lacks a matching card. All were sent to members of the Romi family in Lyon or St. Mandé. $15 for the envelopes and cards from Loic Marchat, Villeurbanne, France, through Ebay, Jan., '02.

I was amazed to find that there is yet another incarnation of the designs of this series. As opposed to other items in the collection, this set is not a first day cover; the envelopes were sent at various times. The five with cards were sent from Vincennes, while FC was sent from Lyon. When the French post office does a promotion, it promotes vigorously!

Click on any image to see the envelope full-size.

Le Chat, la Belette et le Petit Lapin