Occupational Therapy or Rehabilitation (Master of Science)
Occupational Therapy Faculty
CIPER Leadership Team
CRISS III - Criss 3 - 122 E
Thinnes, OTD, OTR/L
Associate Professor
Co-Director of IP Faculty Development
Dr. Andrea Thinnes is an Associate Professor of Occupational Therapy and Academic Mentor in the Occupational Therapy Gerontology Fellowship Program. She serves on the leadership team as Co-Director of Faculty Development in the Center for Interprofessional Practice, Education, and Research (CIPER). Her teaching responsibilities include teaching Occupational Therapy courses focused on clinical education, mental health, older adults, and spirituality in practice. She also teaches an IPE course on end-of-life and palliative care. She served as the Director of the Clinical Education team in the Department of Occupational Therapy at Creighton University from 2006-2017. She has specialty certifications in CarFit, Memories in the Making, and Dementia Capable Care. Her service to the community includes serving on the AOTA Mental Health Special Interest Section as Quarterly Editor, Former Vice President of Mental Health and Wellness for the Nebraska Occupational Therapy Association, and Community Advisory Board member for Rejuvenating Women.
J Allied Health 'A Historical Cross-Professional Perspective on the Fellowship in Occupational Therapy' 49, p. 109-117 2020
Occupational Therapy Practice Occupational Injustice and Human Trafficking: Occupational Therapy's Role, p. CE-1 - CE-10 2020
OT Practice Occupational Injustice and Human Trafficking: Occupational Therapy's Role, p. CE-1 - CE-10 2020
OT Practice Occupational Injustice and Human Trafficking: Occupational Therapy's Role, p. CE-1 - CE-10 2020
Journal of Doctoral Nursing Practice Corcoran, M. Mild and major neurocognitive disorders: Effect on occupational performance and implications for occupational therapy. Thinnes, A. Invited book editor. 2014
American Journal of Occupational Therapy Thinnes, Andrea, Padilla, René Effect of Educational and Supportive Strategies on the Ability of Caregivers of People With Dementia to Maintain Participation in That Role 65, p. 541-549 2011
American Journal of Occupational Therapy Thinnes, A., Padilla, R. What is the effectiveness of educational and supportive strategies for caregivers of persons with dementia on the ability to maintain participation in that role? 2011
Editing and Reviews
Journal of Doctoral Nursing Practice Corcoran, M. Mild and major neurocognitive disorders: Effect on occupational performance and implications for occupational therapy. Thinnes, A. Invited book editor. 2014
A Walk Through Dementia: An Occupational Therapy Student's Perspective 2019
Interprofessional Competence Development Through Online Palliative Care Education 2019
Introduction to the Professional Rotation at Creighton University to Madonna Rehabilitation 2016
2 part series Dementia Capable Care Foundation course taught to Occupational Therapy students 2016
Connecting Practitioners Locally, Nationally, and Globally: Building value in State Organizations 2016
Take this job and love it presentation at the Nebraska OT Association conference 2016
Connecting Practitioners locally, nationally, and globally: building value in state associations 2016
The Role of the Caregiver in Promoting Functional Independence 2016
Trained occupational Therapy students on the Memories in the Making program 2016
Thinnes, A., Evenson, M., DeAngelis, T., and Hatkevich, B. (2014). (SIS) EDSIS Fieldwork Subsection Annual Program: Understanding entry level OTD doctoral experiential component placement, American Occupational Therapy annual conference, Baltimore, MD, April 2014. 2014
Thinnes, A., Kirkpatrick, B., Flecky, K., Griffiths, Y., Beribak, A. (2014) Remember your roots sensory garden: Student service project creating a therapeutic place to rejuvenate health and wellness, Poster Presentation, American Occupational Therapy annual conference, Baltimore, MD, April 2014. 2014
Thinnes, A., Kirkpatrick, B., Flecky, K., Griffiths, Y., Beribak, A. (2014) Remember your roots sensory garden: Student service project creating a therapeutic place to rejuvenate health and wellness, Poster Presentation, American Occupational Therapy annual conference, Baltimore, MD, April 2014. 2014
Thinnes, A., Domina, A. (2013). Engaging occupational therapy students on level II fieldwork through the use of synchronous online discussion groups, American Occupational Therapy Association annual conference, Baltimore, MD, April 2014. 2014
Thinnes, A., Domina, A. (2013). Engaging occupational therapy students on level II fieldwork through the use of synchronous online discussion groups, American Occupational Therapy Association annual conference, Baltimore, MD, April 2014. 2013
Thinnes, A., Domina, A. (2013). Engaging occupational therapy students on level II fieldwork through the use of synchronous online discussion groups, American Occupational Therapy Association Education Summit, Atlanta, GA, October 2013. 2013
Thinnes, A. (2013-2014). The occupational therapists role in working with older adults. Guest Lecturer, Interprofessional Geriatric Organization. 2013
Thinnes, A. (2013) Fieldwork and clinical educators as leaders. Guest Lecturer, OTD 518. 2013
Daniel, C., Jensen, L., Thinnes, A. (2010). Achieving Excellence in Fieldwork Education: A Workshop for Occupational Therapy Practitioners. Nebraska Occupational Therapy Association Fall Conference, 2010. 2010
SPAHP Faculty Teaching Excellence Award SPAHP Office of Faculty and Staff Development
Father Don Driscoll Ignatian Teaching Award SPAHP students
CarFit Superstar Award CarFit Super Star Award, National CarFit Program recognition, Spring 2015 National CarFit Program
Volunteer Service Award Girls Scouts Spirit of Nebraska, Recipient of Volunteer Service Award 2014 Girls Scouts Spirit of Nebraska
Educator of the Year Award (2012) Occupational Therapy Class of 2012 Recipient of the Educator of the Year Award, Spring 2012 Occupational Therapy Class of 2012
Educator of the Year Award (2011) Occupational Therapy Class of 2011 Recipient of the Educator of the Year Award, Spring 2011 Occupational Therapy Class of 2011
Consultant - Lifegate Christian School Consultant provide education to parents, teachers, and students on various topics Lifegate Christian School 2010 - 2010