University Committees

University Presidential & Advisory Committees:

(Listed by name and type, followed by each committee's purpose)

Americans with Disabilities Act Committee (Presidential)

The number of students, faculty, staff, and visitors with disabilities is increasing and this upward trend is expected to continue. This trend has increased the need for the Committee and the University to provide improved and increased services to people with disabilities on campus. Students who have an interest and passion in learning and assisting people with disabilities will gain knowledge and understanding of technology accommodations, legal issues, building access issues and other physical barriers, and learning/mental disabilities.

Erin Whiteford

Pamela Fallon

Campus Planning Committee (Presidential)

1. To review at least annually the current master plan of the University with the official Campus Planner and formulate updated plans based upon the changing reality of faculty, staff, and student needs and the resulting demands for additional office, parking, and recreation space.

2. To relate facility usage and campus development to the priorities of academic planning.

3. To plan for the most economical use of capital resources as they become available for physical improvements.

4. To assure that the placement of facilities is aesthetically pleasing and functionally efficient.

5. To review specific proposals for new facilities or major additions to or renovations of any of the University's facilities as proposed from time to time to the Chair of the Campus Planning Committee, such proposals, if approved, to be referred to the President for final decision.

6. To serve as individuals on such subcommittees as are appointed by the Chair for planning specific improvements.

Nicholas Mathy

Devin Just

Financial Advisory Committee (Presidential)

1. The committee shall assist the President in reviewing the annual financial expenditures of the University, particularly as these expenditures touch on the academic programs of the various Schools and Colleges. While the total budget and capital expenditures of the University are the responsibility of the President and the financial officers, under the Board of Directors, it is the function of this committee to offer information, suggestions, views, and comments on policy, which will ensure input from the academic community into the annual budget expenditures.

2. The committee shall offer to the President, at least once a year, suggestions leading to additional sources of income as well as increases in the regular sources of income to the University.

Dallys Medali

Kelsey Dempsey

Maggie Harens

University Athletic Board (Presidential)

1. The University Athletic Board is responsible for formulating and recommending policy relating to intercollegiate athletics.

2. The University Athletic Board will serve in an advisory capacity to the President through the Vice President for Student Services.

Sabrina Morales

Alex Alvero

Karlee Curtis

University Committee on Lectures, Films, and Concerts (Presidential)

The primary purpose of this committee is to plan and coordinate a program of lectures, films, and concerts for the cultural enrichment of the University community. Additionally, the committee, in cooperation with designated members of the University, implements the guest speaker policies stated in the Student Handbook and Guide to Policies of Creighton University.

Sophia Green

Bradley Pfeifer

Nathan Schumacher

Kate Duggan

University Committee on Public Honors and Events (Presidential)

1. The Committee on Public Honors and Events shall advise the President concerning major public all-University events, both academic and non-academic.

2. It shall recommend to the President all recipients of special citations and achievement awards.

3. It shall recommend to the President names of appropriate speakers for these special occasions.

4. It shall recommend to the President all recipients of honorary degrees in accord with criteria and procedures established by the University.

Monica Malloy

Kate Graham

University Committee on Student Discipline (Presidential)

The purpose of this committee shall be to conduct hearings on alleged infractions of University rules and to recommend sanctions for individual or group violations after all procedural safeguards as outlined in the Student Handbook are observed.

Denae Reeves

Kaiti Reed

Siasha Ramirez

Peter Daood

Morgan Sorrell

Alessandro Stanco

Luke Klahs

Madeline Smith

Cecillia Mohacsi

University Committee on Student Life Policy (Presidential)

The Committee on Student Life Policy shall be responsible for formulating policy as it relates to all aspects of student life not otherwise delegated. It serves in an advisory capacity to the President through the office of Vice President for Student Services on all-University regulations as specified in the Student Handbook and makes terminal decisions on all other matters of student life policy.

Henry Glynn

Frankie Pastor-Rivera

Joe Thibodeau

Mary Grace Kenny

Alyssa Goodman

Sydney Comstock

Sunny Washington

University Committee on the Status of Women (Presidential)

The University Committee on the Status of Women shall assure that equal consideration be given to women in all phases of University operation, and shall create an environment equally supportive of achievement by both men and women. It shall endeavor to ensure full participation and encouragement of contributions from women in pursuing the overall goals of the University.

McKenna Gervais

Katlyn Martin

Bridget McManamon

Masha Ilin

Celeste Djassa

Kelly Anzola

DoIT Advisory Committee

The Student Information Technology Advisory Committee has been chartered to provide input and decision making int the Information Technology governance framework at Creighton University. The committee provides insights, creative ideas, and input that serve as a catalyst to design, create, manage, prioritize, and maintain IT infrastructure and services at Creighton. The committee aims to provide direction for IT services that are aligned to and work in concert with the strategic goals and vision of Creighton University.

Michael Schulte

Nathaniel Finck

Thomas Norvell

Reinert Alumni Memorial Library Advisory Board (Advisory)

To advise the Reinert Alumni Memorial Library

Caleb Miller

Steven Graefe

Skutt Advisory Board

Mikayla Kelly

Anna Kotula

Jenna Reformina