Presidential Citation

Presidential Citation

About the award: From time to time, the President of Creighton University recognizes special interest in and assistance to Creighton on the part of a friend, oftentimes a graduate, by designating that friend as a recipient of the "Presidential Citation," through conferral of a special plaque prepared for this purpose. For example, degreed alumni who have been productive in the Creighton undergraduate student recruitment effort may so be honored.

Closed Nominations.

Past recipients:

Rev. Fred Gray, JD

Joseph B. Wiederholt, Ph.D., BSPha'73
Professor of Pharmacy Administration

Harriet J. Koch
Military Personnel Technician

Karen Crawford, Staff Assistant
Omaha Public Schools Personnel Department

Irma Trumbauer
Creighton Food Service for 35 years
Presented and her retirement event

Joseph A. Devine, DDS
American Dental Association