Central Receiving

Central Receiving


Central Receiving is located at:
1006 N 20th Street
Omaha, NE 68178

Monday - Friday
7:00am - 3:30pm



Monday - Friday
7:00 am - 12:00 pm

Contact Michael Bridgford or Marcus Robbins:
Phone (402) 280-2397 or
fax (402) 280-1872.

All Pay-LESS, UPS and FedEx Ground packages are delivered at this location.


Purpose: The Central Receiving Department was created to provide a centralized delivery address for packages and freight inbound to Creighton University. Central Receiving personnel are here to assure goods are re-delivered in a safe and expeditious manner to the Department's assigned drop spot. There is no charge to departments for this service.

The objectives of the Central Receiving Department are to relieve the campus of as much truck traffic as possible, provide "to-the-department" delivery service, and to help departments avoid the expense of maintaining separate, fully-equipped and staffed receiving facilities.

Your help is appreciated: To ensure accurate, efficient deliveries on campus, we encourage everyone to update their AMI information. To keep your information current, please follow this link https://ami.creighton.edu

Dispatching: One of the services provided by Central Receiving to the University is called "dispatching." A department will contact Central Receiving and indicate they have items to be transported from their location to another location on campus initiates a "dispatch." The request is then scheduled as part of the normal daily routing process. Examples of dispatching would be: returns to Payless Office Supply; returns by UPS that have a call tag; boxes or reports from a department to the Computer Center. This service is NOT to be confused with University Moving Services that handles moving of equipment, furniture, and records to the University Records Center.

Please note: Central Receiving is an official Creighton resource and as such should only be used for official University business. Personal packages will not be delivered, but can be picked up in person during regular business hours with a valid I.D.