Useful Links

Useful Links and Documents

Some of the sites below contain models of personal statements.  Remember, however, that MODELS are not formulas, so it is unwise to mimic too closely the structure of another person’s statement.

General Hints and Suggestions for Getting Started:

Donald Asher's Graduate Admissions Essays: Write Your Way into the Graduate School of Your Choice (Berkeley: Ten Speed Press, 2000)

Mary Tolar's excellent PDF document on preparing Personal Statements.

Writing a Personal Statement, from the Purdue Online Writing Center

Tips on Writing Scholarship Essays, From Kansas State

Graduate School Statements, University of California Berkeley.  This has an especially useful list of WORDS TO AVOID in statements.

Tips for Writing a Personal Statement, from Carnegie Mellon. 

Writing Research Proposals:

Proposal Writing, The Art of Persuasion, from Holy Cross.  This has a detailed set of tips for each of the individual fellowships and it is especially good with information on preparing proposals for the Fulbright.

The Art of Writing Proposals, from the Social Science Research Council, but also generally helpful

Proposal Writing: The Business of Science, by Wendy Sanders.  This is especially helpful for NIH proposals.

The National Science Foundation?s Guide to Proposal Writing