Erika L . Dakin Kirby, PhD



College of Arts and Sciences
Communication Studies
HCCA - Hitchcock Center for Communication Art - 309

Erika L . Dakin Kirby, PhD


Erika L. Kirby is Professor of Communication Studies at Creighton University. She received her Ph.D. from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln in organizational communication, and she studies the everyday intersections of working and personal life, emphasizing how differing social identities (especially gender) assimilate into and collide with organizational structures. She teaches organizational communication courses and courses related to communication and social justice. She co-edited Gender Actualized: Cases in Communicatively Constructing Realities with Dr. Chad McBride and her research on work-life has been published in numerous outlets in her discipline, including two recent book chapters in the Handbook of Conflict Communication (2013) and the Handbook of Organizational Communication (2014) and two international encyclopedia entries in 2014 and 2015. Erika is Past-President of the Organization for the Study of Communication, Language, and Gender and a trained facilitator for the Great Plains Region of the Anti-Defamation League on issues of prejudice and discrimination. On a more personal note, she is also a Jazzercise instructor and she lives in West Omaha with Bob, her spouse of more than twenty years and their two daughters: Meredith, who is 19 and Samantha who is 17.

Research Focus

Organizational Communication Gendered Structures in Personal and Professional Life Work-Life Balance and Wellness


Communication Studies




  • Gender Actualized: Cases in Commuicatively Constructing Realities
    Kirby, E. L. and McBride, M. C. (Eds.). Gender Acutalized: Cases in the Communicative Construction of Realities. Kendall Hunt, Dubuque, IA. 2009
  • Organizational Communication Volume 4: Participation, Power and Gender
    Kirby, E. L. & Krone, K. J. "The policy exists but you can't really use it": Communication and the structuration of work-family policies. In L. L. Putman and K. J. Krone (Eds.). Participation, Power and Gender. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
    4, p. 337-367 2006
  • Engaging theories in family communication: Multiple perspectives
    Kirby, E. L., Krone, K. J., Schrodt, P. Structuration theory: Promising directions for family communication research, p. 293-308 2006
  • Basic Course Communication Annual 16
    Kirby, E. L., Harter, L. M., Hatfield, K. L., Kuhlman, K. From spectators of public affairs to agents of social change: Engaging students in the basic course through service-learning 2004
  • Communication Yearbook 27
    Golden, A. G., Medved, C. E., Kirby, E. L., Jorgenson, J., Buzzanell, P. M. An organizational communication challenge to the discourse of work and family research: From problematics to empowerment, p. 1-43 2003


  • Handbook of Communication and Learning
    McBride, M. C., Kirby, E. L., Bergen, K. M., Wahl, S. T., Norander, S., & Robinson, T. (In press). Social identities in the classroom. In P. Witt (Ed.), Handbook of Communication and Learning. 2016
  • Communication and the work-life balancing act: Intersections across identities, genders, and cultures
    Kirby, E. L., Kuhn, T., McBride, M. C., McHendry, G. F. Jr., Meisenbach, R. J., Remke, R. V., & Wieland, S. M. B. (In press: 2016). Opting (back) in to paid work: A capitalist, gendered, classed, careerist analysis. In E. F. Fish (Ed.), Communication and the work-life balancing act: Intersections across identities, genders, and cultures. 2016
  • International Encyclopedia of Organizational Communication
    Kirby, E. L. (In press: 2016). Work-life balance. In C. Scott and L. Lewis (Eds.), International Encyclopedia of Organizational Communication. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley and Sons. 2016
  • Journal of Family Communication
    Kirby, E. L., Riforgiate, S. E., Anderson, I. K., Lahman, M. P., & Lietzenmayer, A. M. Good Working Mothers as jugglers: A critical look at two work-family balance films. DOI: 10.1080/15267431.2015.1111216
    16(1), p. 76-93 2016
  • International Encyclopedia of Interpersonal Communication
    Kirby, E. L. Work-life balance within close relationships. In C. Berger and M. Roloff (Eds.), International Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley and Sons. 2015
  • Handbook of organizational communication
    Kirby, E. L., & Buzzanell, P. M. Communicating work-life. In D. Mumby and L. Putnam (Eds.), Handbook of organizational communication. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
    3rd Ed. , p. 351-373 2014
  • Collaborative Autoethnography
    Geist-Martin, P., Gates, L., Wiering, L., Kirby, E., Houston, R., Lilly, A., & Moreno, J. Exemplifying collaborative autoethnographic practice via shared stories of mothering. In H. Chang, F. Wambura Ngunjiri & K.A.C. Hernandex (Eds.)., p. 175-188 2013
  • Sage Handbook of conflict communication
    Kirby, E. L., Wieland, S. M. B., & McBride, M. C. Work-life conflict. In J. G. Oetzel and S. Ting-Toomey, The Sage Handbook of Conflict Communication: Integrating theory, research, and practice. Thousand Oaks, CA.
    2 Ed. , p. 377-402 2013
  • Management Communication Quarterly
    Kirby, E. L., Koschmann, M. A. Forum Introduction: Communication-Centered Contributions to Advancing Scholarship in/of Nonprofit and Voluntary Organizations
    26, p. 133-138 2012
  • Reframing difference in organizational communication studies: Research, pedagogy, and practice
    Kirby, E. L. “But society is beyond____ism”: Teaching how differences are “organized” via institutional privilege?oppression. In D. K. Mumby (Ed.), Reframing difference in organizational communication studies: Research, pedagogy, and practice Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage., p. 127-150 2011
  • Women & Language
    Harter, L.M., Kirby, E.L, & Gerbensky-Kerber, A. (2010). Enacting and disrupting the single-sex mandate of the YWCA: A post-structural feminist analysis of separatism as an organizing strategy.
    33, p. 9-28 2010
  • Contemplating maternity in the era of choice: Explorations into discourses of reproduction
    Bute, J. J., Harter, L. M., Kirby, E. L., & Thompson, M. Politicizing the personal? The storying of age-related infertility in public discourses. In S. M. Hayden and L. O. Hollstein (Ed.), Contemplating maternity in the era of choice: Explorations into discourses of reproduction. Rowman and Littlefield., p. 49-72 2010
  • Participatory partnerships for social action and research
    Kirby, E. L. Commentary: The philosophy of “Co-”: Acting with to maximize potential in participatory partnerships. In L. M. Harter, J. Hamel-Lambert, and J. Millesen (Eds.), Participatory partnerships for social action and research. Dubuque, IA: Kendall Hunt., p. 379-386 2010
  • Journal of Research Practice
    Geist-Martin, P., Gates, L., Wiering, L Kirby, E., Houston, R., Lilly, A., & Moreno, J. Exemplifying collaborative autoethnographic practice via shared stories of mothering. Special issue on Autoethnography as research practice. M8.
    6(1) 2010
  • Communicating for social impact : engaging communication theory, research, and pedagogy
    Kirby, E. L., Bonewits Feldner, S., Leighter, J., McBride, M. C., Ortega Murphy, B., Tye-Williams, S., & Turner, L. H. “Exploring the basement of social justice issues”—A graduate upon graduation. In L. Harter, M. Dutta, & C. Cole (Eds.) Communicating for Social Impact. Cresskill, NJ: Hampton Press., p. 63-77 2009
  • Gender Actualized: Cases in Commuicatively Constructing Realities
    McBride, M. C.& Kirby, Erika L. "You're totally her work husband:" Managing misperceptions of the "work-spouse" relationship. In E. L. Kirby & M. C. McBride (Eds.), Gender actualized: Cases in communicatively constructing realities. Dubuque, IA: Kendall Hunt., p. 133-138 2009
  • Gender Actualized: Cases in Commuicatively Constructing Realities
    Kirby, E. L., & McBride, M. C. Undercover moms, Family CEOs and "opted out" moms: Work-life possibilities for women. In E. L. Kirby & M. C. McBride (Eds.), Gender actualized: Cases in communicatively constructing realities. Dubuque, IA: Kendall Hunt., p. 108-114 2009
  • Gender Actualized: Cases in Commuicatively Constructing Realities
    Kirby, E. L. & McBride, M. C. Introduction. In E. L. Kirby and M. C. McBride (Eds.) Gender actualized: Cases in communicatively constructing realities. Dubuque, IA: Kendall Hunt., p. xvii-xxiii 2009
  • Women & Language
    McBride, M. C. & Kirby, E.L. Communicating gender diversity: a critical approach.
    30, p. 62-63 2008
  • Building Multicultural Competency: development, training, and practice
    Fleming, P. A.; Kirby, E. L.; Grandbois, G. H.; Chiwengo, N.; Welch, A. W.; Pierce, J. Creighton University: Beyond the conceptual: diversity education for faculty. In White, J.; Henderson, S. (Eds.)., Building Multicultural Competency: development, training, and practice Landham, MD: Jason Aronson/Rowan & Littlefield Publishers., p. 53-66 2008
  • Journal of Family Communication
    Bergen, K. A., Kirby, E. L., & McBride, M. C. “How do you get two houses cleaned?”: Accomplishing family caregiving in commuter marriages. 
    7, p. 287-307 2007
  • International and Intercultural Communication Annual
    Kirby, E. L. Organizing to 'meet like real Americans': The case of a Hmong nonprofit organization. In B. J. Allen, L. A. Flores, & M. P. Orbe (Eds.), International and Intercultural Communication Annual. Washington, DC: National Communication Association., p. 201-228 2007
  • Communication Monographs
    Kirby, E. L. “Helping you make room in your life for your needs”: When organizations appropriate family roles. 
    73, p. 474-480 2006
  • Communication Currents
    Kirby, E. L. & Krone, K. J. Making theory practical: policy development as an illustration of structuration. Retrieved Nov. 2006 from 2006
  • Sage Handbook of conflict communication
    Kirby, E. L., Wieland, S. M. B., & McBride, M. C. Work-life conflict. In J. G. Oetzel and S. Ting-Toomey (Eds.), The Sage Handbook of Conflict Communication: Integrating theory, research, and practice Thousand Oaks, CA., p. 327-357 2006
  • The Electronic Journal of Communication
    Kirby, E. L.. Communication and the accomplishment of personal and professional life: An introduction.
    16, p. 3-4 2006
  • Communication Studies
    Kirby, E.; McBride, C.; Shuler, S.; Birkholt, M.; Danielson, M. A.; Pawlowski, D. The Jesuit difference: Narratives of negotiating spiritual values and secular practices.
    57, p. 87-105 2006
  • Reading "Desperate Housewives": Beyond the white picket fence
    Shuler, S.; McBride, M. C.; Kirby, E. L. Desperation loves company: Female friendships and the facade of female intimacy. In McCabe, J.; Akass, K. (Eds.). , Reading 'Desperate Housewives': Beyond the white picket fence. th, I. B. Tauris & Co., Ltd., New York., p. 180-189 2006
  • Organizational communication: Understanding communication processes
    Kirby, E.L. Your attitude determines your altitude: Reflecting on a company-sponsored mountain climb. In J. Keyton & P. Shockley-Zalaback (Eds.), Organizational communication. Los Angeles, CA: Roxbury.
    2, p. 99-108 2006
  • Krone, K. J., Schrodt, P. & Kirby, E.L. Structuration theory: Promising directions for family communication research. In D. O Braithwaite & L. A. Baxter (Eds.), Engaging theories in family communication: multiple perspectives. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage., p. 293-308 2006
  • The Electronic Journal of Communication
    Kirby, E.L. and Simpson, J. L. 'Choices' for whom?: A communicative response to the 'opt-out revolution' through a white privilege/social class lens.
    16, p. 3-4 2006
  • Communication Currents
    Kirby, E. L. Making theory practical: policy development as an illustration of structuration 2006
  • Communication Yearbook 30
    Golden, A. G., Kirby, E. L., & Jorgenson, J. Work-life research from both sides now: An integrative perspective for organizational and family communication. In C. Beck (Ed.), Communication Yearbook 30 Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum., p. 143-195 2006
  • Electronic Journal of Communication/Le Review de electronique de Communication
    Kirby, E. L. Communication and the accomplishment of personal and professional life: An introduction
    16 2006
  • Electronic Journal of Communication/Le Review de electronique de Communication
    Kirby, E. L., Simpson, J. L. 'Choices' for whom?: A communicative response to the 'opt-out revolution' through a white privilege/social class lens.
    16 2006
  • Communication Studies
    Kirby, E., McBride, C., Shuler, S., Birkholt, M., Danielson, M. A., Pawlowski, D. The Jesuit difference (?): Narratives of negotiating spiritual values and secular practices
    57, p. 87-105 2006
  • Management Communication Quarterly
    Medved, C. E. & Kirby, E. L. Family CEOs: a feminist analysis of corporate mothering discourses.
    18, p. 435-478 2005
  • Harter, L. M., Kirby, E. L., McClanahan, A. & Edwards, A. Time, technology and meritocracy: Narratively constructing age-related infertility. In L. M. Harter, P. M. Japp, & C. Beck (Eds.), Narratives of health and healing. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum., p. 83-106 2005
  • Management Communication Quarterly
    Kirby, E. L., Medved, C. E. Family CEOs: a feminist analysis of corporate mothering discourses
    18, p. 435-478 2005
  • Communication Teacher
    Kirby, E. L. Communication research methods.
    18, p. 124-127 2004
  • Communication Teacher
    Morgan, J. M. & Kirby, E. L. Performing and resisting scripts of servitude to illustrate critical theory concepts in organizational communication.
    18, p. 82-86 2004
  • Harter, L. M, Kirby, E. L., Hatfield, K. L., & Kuhlman, K. From spectators of public affairs to agents of social change: Engaging students in the basic course through service-learning. In B. S. Titsworth (Ed.), Basic Course Communication Annual 16. Boston: American Press.
    16 2004
  • Communication Studies
    Harter, L. M. Kirby, E. L. Socializing medical students in an era of managed care: The ideological significance of standardized and virtual patients.
    55, p. 48-67 2004
  • Communication Studies
    Kirby, E. L., Karter, L. M. Socializing medical students in an era of managed care: The ideological significance of standardized and virtual patients
    55, p. 48-67 2004
  • Communication Teacher
    Kirby, E. L., Morgan, J. M. Performing and resisting scripts of servitude to illustrate critical theory concepts in organizational communication
    18, p. 82-86 2004
  • Communication Teacher
    Kirby, E. L. Communication research methods
    18, p. 124-127 2004
  • Kirby, Erika L.; Golden, Annis G.; Medved, Caryn E.; Jorgenson, Jane; Buzzanell, Patrice M. An organizational communication challenge to the discourse of work and family research: From problematics to empowerment. In P. Kalbfleisch (Ed.). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Publishers.
    27, p. 1-43 2003
  • Journal of Applied Communication Research
    Kirby, EL and Krone, KJ. 'The policy exists but you can't really use it': Communication and the structuration of work-family policies.
    30, p. 50-77 2002
  • Journal of Applied Communication Research
    Kirby, E. L., Krone, K. J. 'The policy exists but you can't really use it': Communication and the structuration of work-family policies
    30, p. 50-77 2002

Editing and Reviews

  • Journal of Women and Language
    Kirby, E. L., McBride, M. C. Communicating gender diversity: a critical approach
    30, p. 62-63 2008


  • Kirby, E. L. (2016, July). Work-Life Integration. Keynote address presented to the Iowa State Educational Association at the annual meeting in Des Moines, IA. 2016
  • Kirby, E. L., & Cunningham, J. (2016, April). Separation/Integration and Social Support in Negotiating Boundaries for "Adult" Undergraduate Students. Presented tho the Organizational and Professional Division at the annual meeting of the Central States Communication Association in Grand Rapids, MI. 2016
  • Kirby, E. L. (2015, November). Doing, Undoing, Done (?): Revisiting the study of gender in Feminist Communication Studies. Paper presented to the Feminist and Women Studies Division of the National Communication Association at the annual meeting in Las Vegas, NV. 2015
  • McHendry, G., Kirby, E. L., & Leighter, J. L. (2015, November). John Olivers long rants: Teaching the modes of persuasion in an online public speaking class. Paper presented to the Great Ideas for Teaching Students (G.I.F.T.S.) Division of the National Communication Association at the annual meeting in Las Vegas, NV. 2015
  • Kirby, E. L., Riforgiate, S. E., Anderson, I. K., Lahman, M. P., & Lietzenmayer, A. M. (2015, November). Good Working Mothers as jugglers: A critical look at two work-family balance films. Paper presented to the Family Communication Division of the National Communication Association at the annual meeting in Las Vegas, NV. 2015
  • Presented "Using Narrative to Teach the Communicative Construction of Gender/ed Identities" for the Central States Communication Association (April 2015) 2015
  • Kirby, E. L. (2015, February). Relationships in the Workplace and the "Lifespace" and WorkLife Balance. Presented for the Sarpy County Chamber Wisdom of Women in Ralston, NE. 2015
  • Cullen, C. M., Kuligoski, J., & Kirby, E. L. (2014, November). "How many balls can she keep in the air?" The metaphor of working mother as juggler. Paper presented to the Family Communication Division of the National Communication Association at the annual meeting in Chicago, IL. 2014
  • Kirby, E. L. (2014, November). A working mom needs a (working) dad: Men as fathers and Partners. Paper presented to the Family Communication Division of the National Communication Association at the annual meeting in Chicago, IL. 2014
  • Kirby, E. L. (2014, November). Opting-In from a White Privilege Communicative Lens. Paper presented to the Organizational Communication Division of the National Communication Association at the annual meeting in Chicago, IL. 2014
  • Kirby, E. L. (2014, October). The delivery of adult degree completion programs: Best practices. Paper presented to AJCU/DACE (Association of Jesuit Colleges and Universities Division of Adult and Continuing Education) at the annual meeting at LeMonyne College in Syracuse, NY. 2014
  • Kirby, E. L. (2013, July). Communicating Work-Life: A Constitutive Approach. Week-long seminar taught to National Communication Associations Hope Conference (Holland, MI) participants. 2013
  • Kirby, E. L. (2013, July). The Importance of a Communicative Approach to Studying and Enacting Working and Personal Life. Presented for National Communication Associations Hope Conference (Holland, MI) participants as keynote lecture. 2013
  • Foster, T., & Kirby, E. L. (2012, November). "The Way(s)" of the modern pilgrim: Analysis of Spanish and U.S. American pilgrim newsletters of the Camino de Santiago. Paper presented to the Religion and Communication Division of the National Communication Association at the annual meeting in Orlando, FL. 2012
  • Kirby, E. L., & Murray, R. M. (2012, October). Making our Voices Heard to PAVE the Potholes in Creightons Culture. Presented for Creighton Community sponsored by the Committee on the Status of Women. 2012
  • Kirby, E. L. (2011, December). Work-life integration. Presented for Creighton Community sponsored by the Committee on the Status of Women. 2011
  • Kirby, E. L. (2011, November). "Just a bunch of whiners": Voice, graduate students and work/life balance questions. Faculty panelist in preconference at the annual meeting of the National Communication Association in New Orleans, LA. 2011
  • Kirby, E. L. (2011, November). Tall poppies and one-uppers. Position paper/narrative presented to the Organizational Communication Division of the National Communication Association at the annual meeting in New Orleans, LA. 2011
  • Kirby, E. L. (2011, September). Microaggressions in everyday life. Colloquia presentation for the Creighton Communication Studies Department. [also conducted with Dr. Herb Grandbois for other audiences through Diversity Projectsee service.] 2011
  • Kirby, E. L. (2011, July). Ignatian mission and a better model of a liberal arts communication curriculum. Position paper and syllabus presented to the Association of Jesuit Colleges and Universities Communication Conference at the annual meeting at Creighton University in Omaha, NE. 2011
  • Kirby, E. L. (2010, November). A communicative approach to work/family research: What do we contribute? Roundtable presentation to the Organizational Communication Division of the National Communication Association in San Francisco, CA. 2010
  • Kirby, E. L. (2010, November). The promises and pitfalls of accelerating our communication curriculum to target returning students. Presentation to the Roundtable presentation to the NCA Educational Policies Board of the National Communication Association in San Francisco, CA. 2010


  • The Dr. George F. Haddix President’s Research Fund (2013—not awarded). Applied for a $15,000 team grant to study “The Constructions of ‘Adults’ in Adult Higher Education.”


  • 2015 Charles Woolbert Award
    The award is given to a journal article or book chapter that has stood the test of time and has become a stimulus for new conceptualizations of communication phenomena. Thus, the award will be reserved for an article or book chapter that at the time of the award is in its 10th through 15th year in print and has not previously received an NCA-sponsored award.
    National Communication Association
  • Book of the Year Award
    Special Mention for the Organization for the Study of Communication, Language, and Gender (OSCLG) Book of the Year award for Gender Actualized: Cases in the Communicative Construction of Gender(ed) Identities (2010; with Dr. Chad McBride).
    Organization for the Study of Communication, Language, and Gender (OSCLG)


  • Facilitated Strategic Planning Retreat
    Facilitated Strategic Planning Retreat for the Mildred D. Brown Memorial Study Center (2012).
    Mildred D. Brown Memorial Study Center

  • Provided assessment to HDR and the Greater Omaha Chamber of Commerce on perceptions of the South Omaha Development Project with students in COM 463 (2011).
    HDR and the Greater Omaha Chamber of Commerce

  • Provided assessment to the Committee on the Status of Women on perceptions of the committee (collected through surveys) with students in COM 463 (2010).
    Committee on the Status of Women
  • Provided assessment
    Provided assessment to well-e bands on perceptions of the product (collected through focus groups and interviews) with students in COM 463 (2010).
    well-e bands