Rowman and Littlefield "Trust as a Moral Emotion." In Emotional Experience: Ethical and Political Significance, edited by John Drummond and Sonja Rinofner-Kreidel. Rowman and Littlefield International Publishers, 2017 2018
Husserl Studies Ozar, Anne C. Essay Review of The Phenomenology of Moral Normativity by William Hosmer Smith 32:1, p. 67-73 2016
Business & Professional Ethics Journal Ozar, Anne C. The Plausibility of Client Trust of Professionals 33, p. 83-98 2014
Philosophy Today Ozar, Anne. Sincerity, Honesty, and Communicative Truthfulness 57, p. 343-357 2013
Journal of Religion & Society Supplement Series Ozar, Anne C. Philosophical Obstacles to Shared Responsibility for Climate Change Supplement 9, p. 56-72 2013
The New Yearbook for Phenomenology and Phenomenological Philosophy Ozar, Anne C. The Value of a Phenomenology of the Emotions for Cultivating One's Own Character 10, p. 303-317 2010
Peeters Publishing "The Rhetoric of Sincerity in an Age of Terror." In The Reason of Terror, edited by Kem Crimmins and Herbert de Vriese. Leuven: Peeters Publishing, 2006., p. 185-207 2006
"Teaching Truthfully and Its Challenges." Paper presented at the Association for Practical and Professional Ethics International Conference, Baltimore MD, March 2-4, 2019. 2019
"Truthfulness, Justice, and Democracy." Paper presented at the annual symposium for the Kripke Center for the Study of Religion and Society: Religion and Justice, Omaha Nebraska, February 14-15, 2019. 2019
"Environmental Ethics in the Jesuit Tradition: Responding to Francis's call for a more integral humanism." Paper presented at the American Catholic Philosophical Association Nienty-Second Annual Meeting, San Diego CA, November 8-11, 2018. 2018
"Truthfulness." Paper presented at the AJCU Honors Conference, Omaha NE, March 23-24. 2018
"The Ethics of Sincerity." Paper presented at the Workshop in Phenomenological Philosophy, New York NY, May 12-14, 2017. 2017
"Civic Trust and the Free Rider Problem." (Co-authore with Amy Wendling). Paper presented at the Association for Practical and Professional Ethics International Conference, Virgina, Februaury 18-21, 2016. 2016
"Trust and Normativity." Paper presented at the Workshop in Phenomenological Philosophy, Omaha Nebraska. May 2015. 2015
"Blame and Betrayal." Paper presented at the Workshop in Phenomenological Philosophy, Houston Texas, 2014
"On the Plausibility of Client Trust." Paper presented at the annual Association for Practical and Professional Ethics International Conference, Jacksonville, Florida, 2014
"On the Founded Structure of Trust." Paper presented at the Workshop in Phenomenological Philosophy, New York, New York, 2013
"Civic Distrust and Fear of the So-called Free Rider." Paper presented at the annual International Social Philosophy Conference for the North American Society for Social Philosophy, Boston, Massachusetts, 2012
"Trust and the Problem of Optimism." Paper presented at the Workshop in Phenomenological Philosophy, Santa Cruz, California, 2012
"When Stewardship Is Not Enough: Philosophical Obstacles to Ecological Solidarity and a Robust Sense of Collective Responsibility." Paper presented at the annual symposium for the Kripke Center for the Study of Religion and Society: The Greening of the Papacy, Omaha, Nebraska 2012
"Professional Trustworthiness and the Phenomena of Fitting Trust." Paper presented at the Workshop in Phenomenological Philosophy, Boston, Massachusetts 2011
"The Value of a Phenomenology of the Emotions for the Self-Assessment of Character in Virtue Ethics: The Character of Envy." Paper presented at the annual meeting for the Society for Phenomenology and Existential Philosophy (SPEP), Montral, Qubec, 2010
"Deciding to Act Sincerely: The Role of Moral Concepts in Forming Dispositions of Communicative Truthfulness." Paper presented at the Workshop in Phenomenological Philosophy, Seattle, Washington, 2010
"The Grown and the Made." Presented at Phi Beta Kappa sponsored panel on Blade Runner, Omaha NE, October 2017.