Throughout the year, at various times and in different seasons, the Church gathers to recognize and celebrate God's faithful presence and action in the world through worship.
As a Catholic Jesuit university, the celebration of the Eucharist at St. John's Church is the center of our liturgical life. From this Eucharistic center flows our life of prayer, devotion, service, and study.
Many students discover a more profound connection to Christ by serving at Mass as an extraordinary minister of Holy Communion, musician, or lector. Others lead various devotions. A number recognize the deeper bonds between service and outreach and liturgy. Still others find St. John's a peaceful place to pray quietly.
Campus Ministry also has resources to help you discover local churches for worship in the greater metropolitan Omaha area.
Campus Ministry's liturgy team invites you to explore the worship and prayer life of the Creighton community during your college career.