How to Find an Internship

Steps to Finding an Internship

1. Define what type of internship you are seeking.

2. Determine where you are willing to go.
Would you like an internship in Omaha, a particular city, or are you open to going anywhere?  Remember to start the search and application process early.  An effective internship search can sometimes take 2-4 months or longer, unless you are applying for currently posted positions.   

3. Prepare, "polish" and finalize your resume for the job search process.
Also, make a rough draft of your cover letter.  Be sure to have a professional critique your resume.

4. Compile a list of organizations that meet your criteria (related to your major and/or career interests).
This will help you come up with a target list of employers.  (See Career Exploration Resources and the Job Search Resources on our website to find detailed information on career and company research, Internet resources, publications, company and ranking lists, career books, and professional associations.)

5. Research the organization before applying and be sure to include specific information on why you want to work for that organization in your cover letter.

6. Send resumes and cover letters (or prospecting/inquiry letters) on resume paper.
Many companies accept applications via e-mail or have an online application process. If they do, be sure to send your resume, cover letter and any additional information they request.

7. Register in Handshake.
Make an appointment with a Career Center advisor for an orientation to this registration process. This will allow you to search the current internships posted at Creighton, submit your resume for on-campus interviews, and include your resume in the Career Center's referral system for employers (you must upload your current resume to be eligible for resume referrals to employers). 

8. Explore the Internship Search Sites and internship programs online through the Career Center website.

9. Attend Career Fairs.
Distribute your resume and talk to employers about internship opportunities with their organization.

10. Networking is the most effective way to land a job or internship.
Talk to friends, family, faculty, professional and student organizations, Career Center staff, alumni, attend social/professional events in the community, and talk to current or former student interns. Student interns are often asked to recruit their own replacement before they graduate. 

11. Take the time to thoroughly research organizations before interviewing.
This step is extremely important. Interviewers are impressed with students who know a lot about their organization.

12. Prepare for interviews and schedule a practice interview with a Career Center advisor.

13. Make an appointment with the Career Center for individual internship search assistance.
The Career Center can provide employer contacts and leads for internship opportunities. Assistance is also available for resume and cover letter writing, interview tips, and other career-related topics.