Aesop's Fables > Aesop's Artifacts > Audio-Visual > Bruguière Stereocartes

Bruguière Stereocartes

1960? Bruguière Stereocartes. Les Fables de La Fontaine (1) and (2). #3861 and #3862.Paris: Bruguière Stéréofilms. Made in France. $5.88 from marcb8421 on Ebay, August, '20.

Here are two cards from the fourth format of three dimensional viewers, represented already by stereopticon slides, Lestrade Stéréoscopes, and View Master. I tried in all sorts of ways to view the illustrations themselves, but mostly failed. I was able to establish that they are cartoon-like. I wonder how many La Fontaine Fable stereocartes there were. I learned that Bruguière went through a number of viewing devices. Either their "stereoclic" or these cards were popular in the late 1950's to the late 1960's.