Aesop's Fables  >  Aesop's Artifacts >...> Lantern Slides  >  Extra-Wide Magic Lantern Slides

Extra-Wide Magic Lantern Slides

1890?  Three extra-long colored magic lantern slides showing La Fontaine's fables.  Two fables per slide.  10½" x 2½".  $32.04 from nanicohen through Ebay, June, 21.   

Again, the color work in these slides is strong, even after all this time.  The two titles are in cursive in a text-box to the left, and the two fable scenes to the right play out almost as two aspects of one scene.  Beautiful craftsmanship!  And very fragile!



Monkey and Dolphin/Man with Wooden Idol

FM/Horse and Stag

Shepherd and Sea/Fly and Ant

