Aesop's Fables  >  Aesop's Artifacts >...> Cans and Tins Series  >  French Children’s Watercolor Paintboxes

French Children’s Watercolor Paintboxes

1950?  Children's paintbox.  "Le Cochet, le Chat, et le Souriceau."  9¾" x 3½" x ⅜".   $50 from, Jan., '20.

Six panels tell this story, a good one for little children.  The mouse sets off from home in the furthest left panel.  In the title-panel, he meets two new creatures and is startled by them.  Below, across three panels, he wonders about the two he encounters.  In the fable, one is frightening for the red protuberance under his chin and his harsh voice.  The other smiles so nicely and seems so welcoming.  He realizes, in the last panel, with the help of his mother, that the smiling creature wants to eat him.  The forbidding creature is warning him.  Mice will even sometimes eat this creature.  Other than "Dessin depose," I cannot find any information about the time or producer of this little paint tray.  The brushes, paints, and paints' French names are still inside.

1950?  Children's paintbox.  "Le Renard et la Cigogne.”  9¾" x 3½" x ⅜".   $37.74 from bercollec on Ebay, Feb., ‘21.

I was amazed to find the first set in this series, and now I am more amazed to find a second.  Again, sixpanels tell the story, another good one for little children.  The sly fox makes his invitation in the first panel on the left.  In the title-panel, the fox lounges watching the frustrated struggles of the stork.  Soon he has an invitation in his hand, appeasrs in the next panel and then puts on his bib, full of expectation.  The last panel paints the revenge scene well.  Other than "Dessin depose," I can again find no information about the time or producer of this little paint tray.  Almost all of the paint is still inside.