Aesop's Fables  >  Aesop's Artifacts >...> Chocolate and Chicorée Cards  >  Debauve & Gallais

Debauve & Gallais

1890?  "Edition Populaire a 5 Cmes."  Debauve & Gallais, 30, Rue des Sts-Pères, à Paris.  Nineteen cards that apparently accompanied chocolate.  All illustrate "Fables Choisies Illustrees," each with a title above a framed scene of children.  Imp. H. Laas, Paris.  2273.B.  3⅛" x 4½".  $7 each from Bertrand Cocq, Calonne Ricouart, France, Sept., '20.

Would one have been able to purchase a candy bar for 5 Centimes back then?  We have other cards from H. Laas, some showing the same scenes of children.  These cards have an elaborate pattern complementing the ornate frame for each illustration.  Debauve & Gallais, which still thrives near the Du Bac metro station, had several series of cards, two of them also illustrating fables.  I can find no evidence online of this set – and therefore of its size.
