Aesop's Fables  >  Aesop's Artifacts >...> Suchard  >  Suchard Series 269 Portrait Cards

Suchard Series 269 Portrait Cards

1930?  Twelve numbered cards from the 269 series of 12 portrait-formatted trade cards advertising Suchard products.  La Fontaine fables.  €33 each from collectomania, Oct., '22.

These cards follow the pattern found in the later cards of having each card advertise one of Suchard's particular products.  In this case, the product itself is pictured as part of the front of the card.  The verso of each is highly ornamental.  At the top, five Suchard products are listed.  Under "Suchard," a text-box features at least a portion of the fable.  Around this text-box is a repeated design of various fable characters.  "Série 269" is at the bottom right of each verso.