Aesop's Fables  >  Aesop's Artifacts >...> Chocolate and Chicorée Cards  >  Verkades Reintje de Vos

Verkades Reintje de Vos

1920? "Reintje de Vos."  Six small trade cards advertising Verkade's Chocolate.  Serie 59, Numbers 1-6.  1⅞" x 3½".  €15 from Albert van den Bosch, Antwerp, June, '23.

This small set catches one of the "fable" elements in this Dutch rendition of the Renard story, the horse's outwitting of the wolf.  Renard's conquest of the wolf is quite graphic at the end of the series! 

Going to King Lion's Court

Reintje Accused

The Bear Trapped

Reintje at the Gallows

The Horse and the Wolf

Reintje Overcomes the Wolf