Aesop's Fables  >  Aesop's Artifacts >...> Fable Card Series  >  Cards similar to Maison Salmon, Alcide Picard, Verger-Haquet, and Babotte

Cards similar to Maison Salmon, Alcide Picard, Verger-Haquet, and Babotte

1930? Two cards using images found in several other series but offering a different typeface for the title.  1 FS colored card.  No publisher or artist indicated.  "Horse and Ass" for €15 from Albert van den Bosch, Jan., '23.

Grouping these two cards together is a sheer guess.  Each has only the text of the fable and its title on the verso.  The block-print title on the image is larger than the print on the other cards.  Two nice looking cards!  FS presents a pleasing view of the two animals approaching two tall slim-necked vases.  The full text of La Fontaine's FS fable is on the verso.  Nothing else is on the verso. It turns out that this card's image is identical with the image -- though not the title font -- on the card in the series by Alcide Picard