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Other Greeting Cards


1980? Arthur Rackham TH greeting card. 5" x 7". La Jolla, CA: Green Tiger Press. Gift of Ann Findley at Meandaur, June, '93.

Here is the delightful scene showing not only the tortoise and hare but others who witnessed the bet. There is no message inside the card. The publishing information on the back indicates that the same illustration is available as a postcard. Here the image is pasted onto the front of a simple card.



1985? "The Fox and the Grapes." 5" x 7". Colorado Springs, Co. Gift, '85?.

An eager fox assumes a posture like that of a begging dog just before some grapes hanging very near, so its seems, his nose. There is no message inside the card.


1988? "little friends may prove great friends. Aesop." 4½" x 6". The Printery House. Conception, MO: Conception Abbey. Gift of Mary Pat Ryan, Nov., '92.

Though the saying might be most easily matched with LM, the image on the front of the card is that of a psychedelic insect. Might the image and saying both be taken from the fable of the hare, the eagle, and the dung beetle? There is no message inside the card.



1990 Landscape colored painting greeting card. The front shows a dressed female hare riding supine and perhaps asleep on a large tortoise. Above them is written "Enjoy the slow times, they are a gift." Blank inside. Paris Bottman. Lithographed in USA. Salt Lake City, UT: Bottman Design 125 30132. Gift, '94.

Even if it is a run-on sentence with a comma splice, it is a wonderful sentiment! The languid posture of the hare is perfect for this scene and message.


1992 Landscape photograph greeting card. The front shows a turtle and a hare looking out at the viewer. Opened up, the card reads "Your pace or mine?" Photograph ©1992 Rick Dublin, "Tortoise and Hare." ©1992 Palm Press, Berkeley CA.

The look on each character's face helps to make this card's impression. The jump from the story's competition to the card's invitation is also a strong category leap!



1998? "Congratulations" portrait-formatted greeting card. The front shows a sweating hare trying to catch up to a running tortoise and says "Congratulations." Inside reads "You've really pulled ahead!" ©Karen Lyn Morse. Printed in U.S.A. Animal Crackers. Boulder, CO: Blue Mountain Arts. Gift, June, '99.

The eyes and the drops of sweat make this anxious rabbit distinctive. The tortoise, who has a great smile, reaches out with both arms, presumably for the finish line.



2004? Greeting card "Aesop's Fables," about 6" x 4". The front cover shows three picture cards and one text verso; the back cover shows two text versos and one "Sweet Afton" Virginia Cigarettes advertisement. Produced by the Antique Map & Print Gallery, April Cottage, UK. $1.88 from Jackie Daniels, Peterborough, UK, through eBay, Oct., '05. Nine extra copies at the same time for the same price.

The eBay advertisement for this item read "Cigarette Card Greeting Card." The irony is that the pictures and texts here were all taken from Typhoo Tea cards! The printing around the colorful picture ovals has been carefully removed. The card acknowledges The Antique Map & Print Gallery in Worcester, England. Perhaps the gallery had already removed the print.

Click on either image to see it in enlarged version.

2020 Gratitude greeting card.  "The grateful heart will always find opportunities to show its gratitude.  Aesop."  Sketches from "The Fabled Life of Aesop" by Pamela Zagarenski.  No. 538.  Signed by the senders, Paul and Ianthe Swensen, Dec., '21.

The scenes on the front and back of the card connect.  Did the woman get the grapes for the fox?  

2020  LM greeting card.  Copyright Phoebe Goodchild 2020.  Quincy prints.  $3.92 through Etsy, Nov., '24.

The image on its own tells a tale of friendship in the midst of the natural world.  There is no smiling here, but there is peaceful coexistence.