Chocolat Lombard
- Albums of Cards or Stickers
- Bonbon Cards
- Calendar Cards
- Calendar Wallet-Cards
- Chocolate and Chicorée Cards
- Cigarette Cards
- 2003 Disney Villains Cards
- Double-Vision Multiplication Tables Card
- Fable Cards
- Game Cards
- Card Games
- Greeting Cards
- Gum Cards
- Hidden Picture Cards
- Note Cards
- Decks of Cards
- Pop-Out Cards
- Postcards
- Postcard Series
- Individual Postcards
- Krylov WC 1948
- Krylov by Arbekov
- 1935? Aphoristic Train Miss: Rien ne sert
- 1871 WL Franco-Prussian War
- 1909 Sazerac Raison du plus fort
- TH 1903
- 1905 MSA CLC
- GA Procédé au Chloro-Platine
- 1955 Considerer la Fin
- 3D FC
- 1920? DLS Karl Wagner
- Aesop Stamp Postcard
- 1880? Alphonse Robert Women & a Secret
- Art247 Crow and Pitcher
- Amicale Philatelique
- Art247 Velasquez Aesop
- Basel Munster Crypt Frieze
- Besoin d'un plus petit 1950
- Besoin d'un plus petit 1955
- Bibliothèque Nationale KD Trial of Dimna
- Bidpay Elephant and Hare
- 1981 Calder Lioness and Fox
- Carter TH
- Castell Coch Drawing Room: Animals in the Fables
- Chagall Mother, Child, and Wolf Postcard
- Chartreux table oil 1930?
- Chelsea Teapot
- Chocolat Lombard
- Chromovogue FC
- Cortege MSA in French Parade
- CW Joannon 1910
- Daumier Voleurs et L'Ane
- Delta TH in Pastels
- Early French LM
- Easter TH
- Jean Effel: La Fontaine (Russian)
- Jean Effel FS
- El Greco
- Fable - MM in 6 Cartoons
- FC Arabic
- FC Cheese Fair La Capelle
- FC Oval Portrait
- FC Parody
- FC Pasted Postcard
- FC Storck and Co
- Fetes Jean de La Fontane 1980
- FG Postcard 1926 Little Girl
- Fontana
- French FC
- FS Oudry Metz Museum
- Furor Oil FS
- GA after Grandville
- GA Romanian Holiday Greeting
- Gold Medal Flour
- Grandville FS
- Die Grille Künstlerpostkarte No 216
- Hase und Igel by Karl Geitz
- Huile des Chartreux
- Human Peacock
- Induku Wooden Postcard
- Jacomin: Le Fou
- Juno & Peacock by Jehanne
- Jardin Dumaine
- Jardin Dumaine WL
- Jordaens Satyr and Peasant Brussels 1905
- Jordaens Satyr and Peasant Brussels 1910
- Kenmore Mantel
- Krylov portrait
- Kuckuck und Esel
- La Fontaine AN
- La Fontaine Braun
- La Fontaine Statue Postcard
- La Fontaine Vie Illustree
- L'Estrange 1699 Frontispiece
- Lhermitte Death and Woodman
- Lincoln Holding Aesop's Fables
- Lion in Love Photographic Postcard
- LM Postcard Fructine-Vichy
- LM Prussian Soldier
- LM Besoin d'un plus petit Bicyclist asks directions
- Loterie Coloniale Belgium Florian
- Menton Fete du Citron Hermit Rat
- Michalkov Semenov Car Breakdown
- Miser Who Lost His Treasure JLC
- Ernest Nister Satiric Fables
- Noyer WL Allegorie
- OF Sel Lardier
- Oudry FS Colored Van Cortenbergh, Brussels
- Perrette by Sezille des Essarts
- Poudre "Le Dain"
- Rebus Postcard
- Reineke Fuchs Museum Christmas Postcard
- Renard
- Capitaine Renard et Bouc
- "Run After Fortune" French Postcard
- Sager Cygne et Grue
- BF from Verona, 1479
- Sandusky College Advertisement 1912
- Satyr and Peasant D'Angeli Louvre
- Stag and Vine Colored 1906
- Tel est pris Fisherman 1955?
- Tel est pris Wedding 1975?
- TH Children 1927
- TH AS Candy As Prize
- TH by Raymond Prevost
- TH 5Ky
- Velazquez
- WL by La Rose
- Wolfenbuttel
- São Vicente de Fora
- Porcelaine de Bruxelles, fin XVIIIe s
- TGV Concorde Escargot
- Märchen-Postkarten zum Ausmalen
- Prize Cards/Bon Points
- Proverb Cards
- Shadow Cards
- Stereopticon Cards
- Stitching embroidery cards
- Tarot Cards
- Tea Cards
- Telephone Cards
- Trade Cards
- Trading Cards
- Other Cards
1915? Chocolat Lombart. La Fontaine: Poète & Romancier, Auteur de Fables, Contes & Novelles. La Fontaine portrait flanked by FC and MM. Paris: Chocolat Lombart. $19.50 from Alexandre Przopior, April, '00.
One of the most beautiful and rarest cards I have. Lovely coloring of an unusually young-looking picture of La Fontaine. The moon (or sun?) forms a perfect halo around the crow about to drop the cheese to the fox, and the milkmaid has both arms raised in a gesture of surprise. No writing on the back of the card.