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Perrette by Sezille des Essarts

1914   One photographic postcard presenting “The Return of Perrette.”  P(ierre) Sezille des Essarts.  Salon d’Hiver 1914.  2298.  Paris: Albert Noyer.  $8 from Bertrand Cocq, Calonne-Ricouart, France, Sept., ‘’20. 

This is a different view of MM, namely the return back home with the broken or dropped pitcher.  Depicting Perrette from the back is appropriate here, as is the accompanying gesture.  She has raised an arm to her head or face in a gesture of frustration and regret.  Auguste Frédéric Pierre Sezille des Essarts was born in 1867.  He has a variety of works represented on the internet, including an old favorite of mine showing a young couple escaping a rainstorm.