Aesop's Fables  >  Aesop's Artifacts >...> Postcard Series  >  Esperanto Series

Esperanto Series

1905? Twelve numbered postcards in a series of twelve published by Lingvo Internacia.  €5 for one from Akpool, Netherlands, August, '20.  $144 for a full set of 12 from Bertrand Cocq, Oct., '20.  €11 each for four from Bartko Reher, Berlin, April, '21.  €5 for one card from Akpool, August, '20.  Extra copies of #3, #6, #9, and #12 (two extras). 

Here is an unusual set of cards!  I was unaware that there would be something like postcards done in Esperanto.  The collection already had a pamphlet and a short book in Esperanto, but I was surprised to find a postcard in 2020.  I wrote then "I notice of course that this card seems to be in a series 'L'Esperanto par la Fable.'  Oh, to find the whole set!"  Then Bertrand found a full set!  Thank you, Bertrand!  Here is another unusual group of artifacts that this collection saves from the fireplace!  The illustrations come from Oudry.  Cards 1 through 3 present FC, 4 through 6 WL, 7 through 9 OR, and 10 through 12 MSA.
