Aesop's Fables  >  Aesop's Artifacts >...> Postcard Series  >  FC Ten Cards by OEP

FC Ten Cards by OEP

1904   10 postcard series featuring one child playing out FC.  O.E.P.  One dated September 11, 1904.  One other with an address on the verso.  $65 for the set from Bertrand Cocq, Calonne Ricouart, France, Sept., '20.

This is a curious set, first of all for its size: most sets of photographic fable postcards include six members, while this set has ten.  It is curious next for using a single child to play both parts in this visualization of the fable.  Fable depends so much on interaction of two parties; it is a surprise to see each card in this whole series picture just one character.  Finally, it is curious for an inversion in Verse 10: Card 5 has "Le Corbeau à ces mots ne se sent plus de joie" whereas the usual texts have "A ces mots le Corbeau ne se sent pas die joie."  Is the character on the last card playing the shamed crow or the actor taking a bow?