Aesop's Fables  >  Aesop's Artifacts >...> Non-Stock Trade Card Series  >  ERA Cut-Out Cards

ERA Cut-Out Cards

1950? Three cards advertising ERA Margarine aux Fruits d'Orient.  GA, MM, "Cobbler and Financier."  "Breveté S.G.D.G."  Printed by H. Bouquet in Paris.  5 each from kam-oulox on Ebay, Nov., '23.

Each card has clear lines on its verso for cutting the scene out from the surrounding card.  There is also a line to score so that the scene stands up from its base.  "Breveté S.G.D.G." has to do with the patent of this product.  Each scene includes either a container of ERA margarine or an advertisement for it.  Good color printing!