Aesop's Fables  >  Aesop's Artifacts >...> Liebig Meat Extract  >  1924 MSA Liebig French

1924 MSA Liebig French

1924 Le Meunier, son Fils et l'Âne II. Compagnie Liebig. Six numbered cards, each with a section of La Fontaine's French text on its verso. Sanguinetti #1158. $15.50 from Dany Wolfs, Roeselare, Belgium, Feb., '00. Extra copy for £10 at Murray Cards International, Cecil Court, London, May, '97.

See also the original MSA set (I) from 1892. By contrast with it, this version and its illustrations follow La Fontaine's story. The two best scenes here show the donkey enjoying being carried (Card 2) and all three stomping triumphantly out of the town (Card 6). Each scene puts a can or jar of Liebig's meat product in one of the lower corners.

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