Aesop's Fables  >  Aesop's Artifacts >...> Non-Stock Trade Card Series  >  Nestlé Cards to Color

Nestlé Cards to Color

1940?  Six large cards (8¼" x 5¼") presenting a colored scene and its black-lined outline to color in.  Nestlé.  The verso applies the fable presented in the human application in the illustration.  $60 from Bertrand Cocq, Calonne Ricouart, France, Sept., '18.  GA for €9.99 from Lisi47 through Ebay, Sept., '21.

Some significant effort went into developing this set of cards.  Each front illustration advertises a different Nestlé product, and the verso works cleverly to view the human situation on the front of the card in terms of a fable named at the top of the verso.  Thus one card's verso recalls the story of the laborer who entices his children – albeit after his death – to dig into the family farm.  Work, not luck, brings success.  The front of the card showed a family grouping where children are learning to paste small Nestlé stamps into a large Nestlé album.  The verso moralizes that there is no luck involved in assembling a Nestlé album, and work will bring a reward of 50 Francs for a completed album! Click on any image to see it and its verso on their own page.

Laborer & His Children



Oyster & Litigants