Aesop's Fables  >  Aesop's Artifacts >...> Notebooks  >  Verminck Graph-Paper Notebooks

Verminck Graph-Paper Notebooks

1935?  Four graph-ruled 16-page notebooks offered by "Etablissements Verminck," a major producer of products from peanuts, some edible and some not, like soap, as the advertisements suggest.  Orange and black, including on each cover an image and quotation from a La Fontaine fable.  Artist: Paul Igert.  $5 each from Mme Denise Debuigne, Rennes, France, Feb., '05.

The notebook with the WC cover is filled with computations and titled as notebook for vacation duties at the beginning of the "2eme."  To my surprise, it is dated 1969!  I would have presumed that these booklets were printed in the 1930's.  Paul Igert signs all but the "Bear and the Gardener."  He seems to have been born in 1899.  In the 1890's, the Verminck family may have been the most powerful influence in Marseilles, the port through which the raw materials for their industry came.