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The Bayeux Tapestry

tapestry.jpg (33283 bytes) 1980? La Tapisserie de Bayeux. Edition Ville de Bayeux. Originally 50 F in France. Bought for $10 at Paul Rohe and Son, Chicago, Dec., '92. A complete reproduction of the Bayeux Tapestry in one-seventh of its original size. The original is 70 meters long and 50 centimeters high. I was delighted to find it still available three months after I had first seen it in this shop. The owner had at first insisted that I also buy The Bayeux Tapestry (which I already had for $29.95) for a combined price of $85. The chief value of this reproduction is that it is continuous--by my calculations some 28 feet long. Use this excellent reproduction with The Bayeux Tapestry (1985) and Les fables antiques de la broderie de Bayeux (1964).