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Summer School Programs

Making the most of your time at Creighton.

Your Creighton School of Law education doesn’t have to stop when summer rolls around. If you’d like to continue your momentum, enroll in our on campus or online summer classes. Summer is an excellent time, too, for enhancing your resume for future careers through one of our many rewarding externships. Or spend the month of July studying international law and the Holocaust’s impact on the law through our Germany Summer Program, which includes an optional international moot court competition. 

Your Experience     

Creighton Law School offers on campus and online classes in two summer sessions, each five to six weeks long. Summer Session I begins in May following the law school hooding and Creighton convocation and culminates in late June with three days of exams. Summer Session II begins in early July and ends with exams in early August. Courses vary from year to year and have included:

  • Business Associations
  • Commercial Law
  • Evidence
  • Advanced Legal Writing
  • Client Interviewing and Legal Counseling
  • Alternative Dispute Resolution
  • Negotiation
  • Criminal Procedure
  • Professional Responsibility
  • Corporate Reorganization