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Medicine Career Development

Helping You Discover And Pursue Your Career Path.

The Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) provides the career development resource, Careers in Medicine (CiM) to help medical students find a specialty of choice and a fulfilling career in medicine. It involves a four-step planning process including: 

  • Understanding Yourself
  • Exploring Options
  • Choosing a Specialty
  • Getting into Residency

Students are taken through a series of assessments to help them in their career choices such as: Physician Values in Practice Scale (identifying core values and relevance in various specialties), the Medical Specialty Preference Inventory (to identify critical factors of each specialty) and the Environmental Factors and Practice Needs (identifying preferences in work duties and situations in each specialty), and The Specialty Indecision Scale (to determine why a student may have difficulty in deciding). Physicians who have explored specialty choices and have been provided with opportunities for self-knowledge and reflection are more likely to experience satisfaction and fulfillment with their career choices. Students also participate in mandatory class meetings that prepare them for specialty selection and matching into their specialty of choice.

Ready to start your next steps?