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Public Health Minor

The Public Health Minor

The minor in Public Health acquaints students with the science of preventing disease, prolonging life and promoting healthy life styles both in this country and abroad.  Public health includes the study of the causes and distribution of disease frequency in human populations and interventions aimed at minimizing risk factors and preventing disease at the population level. This discipline studies community efforts for improving the environment, containing community infections, addressing the social determinants of health and developing the social machinery to maintain the health of a population.

Requirements for Public Health Minor

* It is possible for HAP majors to minor in Public Health as long as the students take at least two courses that are not part of the HAP major.


  • HAP 350 Essentials of Public Health
  • HAP 355 Essentials of Epidemiology
  • HAP/SRP 456 Public Health Ethics OR HAP/SRP 457 Biomedical Ethics

and one of the following:

  • HAP 420 Seminar in Health Policy
  • ANT/SOC/HAP 317 Global Health Issues
  • PLS 435 Global Poverty & Development
  • PLS 319 Politics of the Developing Areas
  • EDP 361 Social Justice in the Dominican Republic (Taught in the DR)


  •  ANT/SOC 312 Quantitative Methods in Social Science
  •  ANT/SOC 314 Statistics for the Social Sciences
  •  SOC/HAP 315 Healthcare, Society & Culture
  •  ANT/SOC 307 Demography - World Population Issues (unless taken as a requirement)
  •  ANT/NAS 340 Native American Culture and Health
  •  ANT 363 Medical Anthropology
  •  ANT 383 Cultural Epidemiology
  •  SOC 355 Environment and Society: Sociological Perspectives
  •  SOC 455 Food, Society & Environment
  •  PLS/HAP 520 Statistics for Public Administration & Policy Analysis

Political Science

  •  PLS 333 Environmental Politics and Policy
  •  PLS/HAP 433 Public Policy Analysis

Biology/Environmental/Statistical Studies

  •  BIO 149 Human Biology
  •  BIO 351 Microbiology
  •  BIO/EVS 390 Environmental Sciences
  •  BIO 401 Biostatisics
  •  BIO 432 Introduction to Immunology
  •  BIO/EVS 539 Ecology of Zoonotic Diseases
  •  BIO 581 Evolution
  •  MTH 363 Elementary Probability & Statistics
  •  MTH 513 Probability & Statistics in the Health Sciences

Health Administration and Policy

  •  HAP/PLS 334     Public Policy of Healthcare
  •  HAP/PLS 331     Managing Profit and Non-profit Organizations

Social Work

  •  SWK 261      Introduction to Social Welfare

Contact Information

Susan Walsh, MHSA, RN, FACHE
Director, Health Administration and Policy Program
Assistant Professor, Department of Cultural and Social Studies

Phone: 402.280.3288

Learn More

Read about the Health Administration field and its tremendous growth projected over the next twenty years in the Bureau of Labor Statistics' summary for Medical and Health Service Managers.