This minor provides a biosocial framework for the study of Global Health arguing that global health issues can only be sufficiently understood and addressed by recognizing their physiological as well as their sociocultural contexts and the dynamic interplay between both, particularly through the approaches, methods, and theories of anthropology, and acknowledging the interdisciplinary nature of Global Health, requiring the knowledge, skills, and expertise of a wide range of academic disciplines and professions. This minor also emphasizes the increased recognition in Global Health of health and access to healthcare as a human right and includes discussions on the importance of a commitment to global health justice and equity.

"A-Ha" Moments

When students take ANT 317 Global Health: A Biosocial and Justice-Oriented Approach, they recognize that Global Health is much more than a list of diseases and other threats to health and health systems but an interdisciplinary professional field framed by the promotion of social justice and oriented toward communities and partnerships with them. These "a-ha" moments are followed up by taking relevant elective and required courses in the program.

Global Health Faculty