Creighton University is a community of students, scholars, staff and administrators. We study and work in classrooms, libraries, offices, laboratories, and clinics. From how we construct new buildings and remodel legacy structures to how we clean our spaces, Creighton is committed to developing sustainable environments.

Architects, engineers, and contractors play vital roles in executing the University's vision of sustainability. Read our Sustainable Design PolicySustainable Design Process and Sustainability in Construction at Creighton documents to find out more.You can learn more about Creighton's Design and Construction Guide from our Planning and Design team.

Harper Center

Sustainability is incorporated throughout University design and construction. We design buildings so that they will meet the LEED Silver certification criteria and we design according to the Nebraska and the International Energy Code. Check out the Harper Center's sustainable design facts for an example of one of our "green" buildings.

We have fully implemented our green cleaning practices here at the University. “Green Cleaning” means cleaning using environmentally friendly ingredients and chemicals for household, industrial, and commercial cleaning. Green cleaning products do not contain chemically reactive or toxic components that can emit volatile organic compounds (VOCs) or be absorbed through the skin, which can cause respiratory and other health problems. Green chemicals help ensure the safety and wellbeing of our custodians and everyone on campus.