SAC News and Events

SAC News and Events

HR News

Find important information and regular updates in the HR Corner on Creighton Today.

About the Rookie of the Year Award

The annual "Rookie of the Year" award is presented at the "We Need a Spring Break, Too" luncheon sponsored by the Jesuit Community each spring. This award recognizes a rookie staff member for outstanding contributions to his/her workplace.

To be eligible for nominations, the recipient of this award must meet the following criteria: be enthusiastic about his/her work, made significant contributions to his/her area or department, embody the Creighton Credo in his/her workplace, been employed at Creighton University for no more than two years, and be classified as E-M staff position.

Creighton University Organizational Health Report

Creighton Wellness Program
The Creighton University Wellness Council promotes and coordinates health and wellness activities that encourage disease prevention and healthy lifestyles for the entire Creighton community.

Employee Resources

Employee Assistance Program (EAP)

Register for CU Alert

Everyone should register for CU Alert to get emergency information from the University. If you have not done so, please log into CU Alert to register for this important resource. Safety preparedness is everyone's job. Sign up, or update your information now.

Safety Suggestions

Have an idea to improve safety on campus? Take a minute and fill out the "Safety Suggestions" form. You can be anonymous.  It is the policy of Creighton University to provide a safe and healthy environment for all faculty, staff, students and visitors to campus.