Laura A. Hansen, PhD

Laura A. Hansen, PhD

Laura A. Hansen, PhD

Associate Dean, Research
Director, CU Histology Core Facility
Director, Molecular Mechanisms and Cancer Targets Program
Board Membership, Graduate Board
School of Medicine, Omaha Campus

Academic Appointments


  • Biomedical Sciences


  • Professor


Cancer Research Focus

The long-term objective of Dr. Hansen’s research is to develop new clinically-useful, mechanism-based approaches the prevention and treatment of skin cancer. Current research projects are focused on dysregulation of checkpoint signaling pathways to suppress apoptosis and cell competition through Flower signaling in skin cancer.    

Cancer Research Area(s)
  • Brain Cancer
  • Head and Neck Cancer
  • Skin Cancer

Publications and Presentations



  • , 12:1, 78
  • , 25:9, 4918
  • , 104945 - 104945
  • , 41:16_suppl, e21564 - e21564
  • , 299:3, 103795
  • , 121:3, 276a - 276a
  • , 26:10
  • , 26:10
  • , 42:2, 232 - 242
  • , 11:35, 3267 - 3278
  • , 99:1, 30 - 43
  • , 118:3, 307a - 307a
  • , 58:9, 1631 - 1639
  • , 58:9, 1691 - 1700
  • , 572:7768, 260 - 264
  • , 116:3, 281a - 282a
  • , 78:13_Supplement, LB-190 - LB-190
  • , 293:12, 4262 - 4276
  • , 410, 41 - 49
  • , 25:4, 275 - 281
  • , 54:10, 1026 - 1036
  • , 5, (9 pages)
  • , 76:2, 149 - 151
  • , 74:19_Supplement, 1310 - 1310
  • , ePub ahead of print, 11 pages
  • , 8:7, 1 - 12
  • , 2013, 1 - 11
  • , 72:8_Supplement, 1219 - 1219
  • , 33:9, 1754 - 1761
  • , 31:23, 2888 - 2898
  • , 25:S1, lb29 - lb29
  • , 293:9, 1553 - 1567
  • , 48:7, 599 - 609
  • , 48:7, 599 - 609
  • , 174:6, 2357 - 2366
  • , 129:3, 690 - 698
  • , 333:3, 373 - 379
  • , 35:7, 853 - 864
  • , 46:8, 624 - 628
  • , 24:2, 108 - 112
  • , 35:7, 853 - 864
  • , 97939
  • , 28:12, 1181 - 1193
  • , 169:4, 1402 - 1414
  • , 1091:1, 186 - 199
  • , 27:2, 225 - 231
  • , 125:3, 567 - 574
  • , 49, S129 - S129
  • , 65:9, 3958 - 3965
  • , 33:6, 623 - 630
  • , 123:5, 982 - 989
  • , 24:3, 372 - 388
  • , 279:7, 5993 - 6004
  • , 315:2, 167 - 180
  • , 63:17, 5257 - 5265
  • , 63:17, 5257 - 5265
  • , 22:11, 1620 - 1628
  • , 60:16, 4397 - 4402
  • , 60:13, 3328 - 3332
  • , 60:13, 3328 - 3332
  • , 21:7, 1271 - 1279
  • , 19:10, 1837 - 1845
  • , 243:1, 150 - 160
  • , 12:16, 2469 - 2474
  • , 58:7, 1435 - 1443
  • , 26:4, 562 - 569
  • , 57:15, 3180 - 3188
  • , 150:6, 1959 - 1975
  • , 17:9, 1825 - 1833
  • , 40:7, 631 - 638
  • , 269:5221, 230 - 234
  • , 391, 223 - 235
  • , 11:4, 215 - 226
  • , 91:16, 7822 - 7826
  • , 9:3, 171 - 174
  • , 9:3, 143 - 154
  • , 66:2, 152 - 152
  • , 50:18, 5740 - 5745
  • , 14:2, 235 - 243
  • , 49:16, 4455 - 4458
  • , 42:3-4, 259 - 265


Research and Scholarship

Research and Scholarship Interests

  • The long-term objective of Dr. Hansen’s research is to develop new clinically-useful, mechanism-based approaches the prevention and treatment of skin cancer. Research in the Hansen lab revolves around the question, “How do environmental exposures reprogram molecular pathways to lead to cancer and how does this provide novel targets for cancer treatment or prevention?” Current research projects are focused on dysregulation of checkpoint signaling pathways to suppress apoptosis, novel estrogen receptor signaling, and cell competition through Flower signaling in skin cancer.    

Grant Funding Received

  • CURAS Project Title: Cytoplasmic CDC25A localization and suppression of apoptosis in cancer cells.
  • INBRE PI: M. Nichols (Co-I: Hansen) Title: Metabolic imaging of disease progression in skin cancer by FLIM
  • ProTransit Nanotherapy Project Title: The Protective Efficacy of PLGA Nanoparticles Encapsulating Antioxidant Enzymes against UV Radiation Exposure
  • State of NE-LB506
  • NIH RO1 ES015585 Title: Mechanisms of UV-induced skin carcinogenesis
  • State of NE-LB595 Title: Molecular and cellular mechanisms of carcinogenesis program
  • State of NE-LB595 Title: Cancer and smoking-related diseases seminar series
  • NE-LB595 Pilot Project Title: ADAM12 and head and neck cancer progression
  • NE-LB595 Pilot Project Title: Oral carcinogenesis and ADAM12
  • NIH ARRA Title: Summer student supplement to RO1
  • The Dobleman Institute for Head and Neck Cancer Research Title: Matching funds for ADAM12 and head and neck cancer progression
  • State of NE-LB506 Title: HER2 and the response to chemotherapeutic agents in SCC
  • State of NE-LB692 Title: Does defective catagen entry trigger folliculitis in Egfr mutant skin?
  • State of NE-LB595 Title: Mechanisms of cell cycle regulation by Erbb2
  • Health Future Foundation Scholar Award Title: Regulation of cell cycle progression by HER2 in mammary cancer cells
  • State of NE-LB692 Title: The role of erbB2 in PNS, skin, and ear as revealed by conditional mutation analysis
  • NIH Center of Biomedical Research Excellence (COBRE) (PI: Wheelock) Project PI 50% effort My project title: erbB2 in UV-induced skin carcinogenesis National Institutes of Health Award: $686,821 direct costs for my portion, $276,599 indirect (total award approximately $10,000,000 over five years)
  • Connetics Corporation Title: Mechanisms of tumorigenesis in Tg.AC mice
  • Connetics Corporation Title: Analysis of the effects of topically applied agents to Tg.AC skin
  • NIH RO1 (PI: Kusewitt) Collaborating investigator Title: Modulators of EMT in skin carcinogenesis
  • NIH COBRE (PI: Smith) Project Principal Investigator 40% effort Title: The molecular biology of neurosensory development (My individual project title is “The role of EGFR in sensory development.)
  • NIH K-22 Award ES00365-01 Title: The role of EGFR in UV-induced skin carcinogenesis
  • Macrochem Corporation Title: Mechanisms of SEPA-induced carcinogenesis in Tg.AC mice

Awards and Honors

  • Dr. Robert Heaney Graduate Research Mentor Award, Creighton University, 2021
  • 1st place Graduate Student Platform Presentation by student Justin Rudd, 2021
  • University Research Award, Creighton University, 2020
  • 1. Hansen, L.A., Lovas, S., and Palermo, N. Provisional patent application entitled “14-3-3 targeting peptides for cancer treatment” 100900144USP1-Provisional patent application, May, 2019., 2019
  • First Place Prize for Graduate Student Poster, Creighton University Research Day, 2017
  • Third place prive for poster presentation by medical student and mentee Timothy Malouff at the Midwest Biomedical Student Research Forum, 2015
  • Protransit Nanotherapy, LLC External Advisory Board, 2015
  • Provisional-METHOD OF SUPPRESSING UV-INDUCED SKIN TUMORIGENESIS (Patent No: 60/848108), 2006
  • Third place poster awarded to my Ph.D. student Justin Madson at the Midwest Biomedical Student Research Forum, 2006
  • Society of Investigative Dermatology Eugene M. Farber Endowment Award, 2004