Gwendalyn King, PhD

Gwendalyn King, PhD

Gwendalyn King, PhD

Associate Professor
College of Arts and Sciences


  • Neuroscience

Academic Appointments


  • Biology


  • Associate Professor

Secondary Appointment

  • College of Professional and Continuing Education

Teaching Activity

  • BIO 362 Cell Structure and Function
  • BIO 462 Neurobiology
  • BIO 463 Neurobiology laboratory
  • NES 498 Neuroscience in the Community
  • NES 510 Neurophysiology lab
  • NES/BIO 464 Neurobiology of Disease


I was raised in Loveland, Colorado.  I earned my Bachelor of Science Degree from the Purdue University School of Science in Molecular Biology with research honors.  I conducted undergraduate research to understand why leeches can regenerate their nerve cord but humans cannot regenerate their spinal cord.  I then directly entered the PIBS program at the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor and joined the Neuroscience Program.  In completing my Ph.D. I earned an F31 fellowsihp from NIH and published several papers on the intracellular protein:protein interactions of the amyloid precursor protein. From there I moved to my first postdoctoral fellowship at Cedar-Sinai Medical Center's Gene Therapeutics Research Inistitute.  I was earned an F32 fellowship from NIH for my work characterizing a combination therapy to treat glioma.  My second postdoctoral fellowship was at Boston University's Biochemistry Department.  There I conducted work to understand the mechanisms of age-related klotho gene expression downregulation. I was earned a K99/R01 NIH award to transition from postdoctoral fellow to tenure-track Faculty.  I moved to the University of Alabama at Birmingham taking my first faculty position in the Department of Neurobiology in the School of Medicine.  There I taught medical, graduate, and undergraduate courses.  I also published papers from the discoveries made in my research lab and mentored undergraduate, post-bac, and Ph.D. students.  I earned several small grants and an R56 from NIH. I am currently a member of the Creighton Biology faculty supporting the interdepartmental Neuroscience Program in every academic direction: service, teaching, and research.  My lab was awarded its first R15 at Creighton in 2020 where we use mouse models of aging to understand age-related change of the brain. Information about my research, past and present can be found at 

Publications and Presentations


  • , 12, 4-16
  • , 4
  • , 217, L141-L154
  • , 98, 1-11
  • , 6
  • , 3, 183-194
  • , 52
  • , 29, 69-80
  • , 59, 41-54
  • , 7
  • , 347, 123-133
  • , 6
  • , 29, 1140-47
  • , 590, 53-67
  • , 11
  • , 10
  • , 33, 420-7
  • , 36, 141-9
  • , 51, 6675-85
  • , 1527, 1-14
  • , 36, 1405-19
  • , 441, 453-61
  • , 19, 1793-801
  • , 44, 155-80
  • , 82, 4680-4
  • , 16, 682-90
  • , 10, 19-31
  • , 5, 535-57
  • , 65, 7194-204
  • , 88, 971-82
  • , 120, 143-54

Research and Scholarship

Research and Scholarship Interests


Grant Funding Received

  • CURAS Director’s Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship - student Tavian Sanchez

Awards and Honors

  • Dean's Award for Professional Excellence: Major Advising, CCAS Student Senate, 2023
  • Robert F. Kennedy Memorial Award for Teaching Achievement, Creighton Student Union, 2022
  • Outstanding Service Award, University of Alabama at Birmingham Graduate in Biomedical Sciences, 2017
  • Graduate School Dean's Award for Excellence in Mentorship, University of Alabama at Birmingham Graduate School , 2015