Stacey Menzel Baker, PhD

Stacey Menzel Baker, PhD

Stacey Menzel Baker, PhD

Heider College of Business


  • Consumer Behavior
  • Consumer Vulnerability and Resilience
  • Possession Meanings
  • Marketing Systems
  • Customer Experience Management
  • Marketing Strategy
  • Social Justice

Academic Appointments


  • Marketing and Management


  • Professor


Stacey Menzel Baker, Ph.D. in business administration from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, is Professor of Marketing in Creighton University’s Heider College of Business. Dr. Baker teaches doctoral level, MBA, and undergraduate courses in Marketing, Policy & Social Change; Strategic Marketing Management; Customer Experience Management; and Consumer Behavior. Prior to joining Creighton’s faculty, she served for 13 years at the University of Wyoming where her students honored her with awards including MBA Top Professor and Mortar Board Top Prof, she was named Governor Geringer Scholar, and she earned the title of Professor of Marketing and Sustainable Business Practices. Stacey also served on the marketing faculty in Bowling Green State University and on the faculty in the Department of Recreation, Parks, & Tourism at Texas A&M University. While she was pursuing her undergraduate (marketing) and graduate (MBA) degrees at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Stacey was employed in retailing, worked for the Nebraska Unicameral Legislature, and served as Chief Graduate Advisor for UNL’s MBA program. Often together with her students, she has provided marketing planning and consulting services to Omaha Economic Development Corporation, Love’s Jazz, National Park Service, National Forest Service, Bureau of Land Management, Wyoming Business Council, Laramie Parks and Recreation Center, UW Art Museum, Handel Information Technologies and other small businesses in Wyoming and Ohio, and College Station Parks & Recreation Department in Texas.

Dr. Baker studies consumer attachment, vulnerability, and resilience in contexts such as disaster recovery, disability, and community development. Her research has been published by elite journals in her field and has been used by business to promote products and to design accessible servicescapes, by U.S., U.K., and Canadian governments to help shape civil rights policies, and by scholars inside and outside her discipline, including those investigating the management of disasters, global environmental change, and community development. Research honors include the 2006 Journal of Macromarketing Charles C. Slater Memorial Best Article Award for “Building Understanding of the Domain of Consumer Vulnerability,” the 2015 Journal of Public Policy & Marketing Thomas C. Kinnear Best Article Award for “Beyond Poverty: Social Justice in a Global Marketplace,” and the 2016 Journal of Macromarketing Charles C. Slater Memorial Best Article Award for “Improvisational Provisioning in Disaster: The Mechanisms and Meanings of Ad Hoc Marketing Exchange Systems in Community.” Her TEDx talk in Cheyenne, Wyoming, entitled “The Stuff of Resilience” can be viewed at:

Stacey is a member of the American Marketing Association, the Association for Consumer Research, and the Macromarketing Society. She has co-chaired international conferences in Macromarketing and Marketing and Public Policy, as well as served on an advisory committee on Transformative Consumer Research, a group focused on action research to enhance consumer wellbeing. She currently serves as an associate editor for Journal of Public Policy & Marketing, on the editorial policy board for the Journal of Macromarketing, on the editorial review board member for several other journals, and as the President of the Marketing & Society Special Interest Group (SIG) of the American Marketing Association (AMA).

Publications and Presentations



  • , 20 (5), 403-422
  • , 35 (2), 280-291
  • , Spring, 1 (2/April), 314-335
  • , 213-227
  • , 13-30
  • , 334-352
  • , 77-116
  • , 23 (3), 275-287
  • , Spring 2009
  • , 34 (1), 100-110



Research and Scholarship

Research and Scholarship Interests

  • Dignity in the Marketplace, Objectification of Bodies in Life and Death, Displacement

Awards and Honors

  • AMA-EBSCO Responsible Research in Marketing Award, AMA - EBSCO, 2021
  • Billy Award for Outstanding Faculty Research Contributions, Heider College of Business, Creighton University, 2017
  • Charles C. Slater Memorial Award, Journal of Macromarketing, 2016
  • Thomas C. Kinnear Award, Journal of Public Policy & Marketing, 2015