Writing For Publication

Writing For Publication


Creighton may be the only history department in the country that offers an intensive seminar in Writing for Publication to undergraduate students. Research students have the opportunity to spend a semester preparing their research for publication in undergraduate or professional journals. The seminar culminates in an evening of formal presentations to an audience of faculty, students, administrators, friends, and family.

By the end of the course, students are fully prepared to design, conduct, present, and publish their own research projects. The course provides an outstanding experience for students contemplating graduate or professional school, but students in any field will find value in the analytical, critical thinking, writing, and presentation skills that they develop in the process.

“John Pierpont Morgan and the Metropolitan: The Changing Face of Art Museums in the Period 1880-1940”
View the video presentation here.

“Immigration to the American West: An Evaluation of the White South African Immigrant Perspective”
View the video presentation here.

“Father Markoe and the Omaha DePorres Club: How a Commitment to Morality Shaped the Omaha Civil Rights Movement”

“Between the Extremes: The Forgotten Moderates of Bleeding Kansas”

“Fallen Soldiers, Grieving Fathers, and Failed Systems: The Struggle to Create the Ambulance Corps During the Civil War”

“Why I Wander So Far From Home: Personal, Postal, and Prison Relationships During The Civil War”

“Counting Quail: Coveys, Cornrows, and Nebraska’s Environmental History”

“‘Greasy Grinds’ and ‘Quasi-Robots’: Rhetorics of Exclusion Against Jewish and Asian Pacific Americans in Universities”

Contact Information

Department Office
216 Dowling Hall
Humanities Center
Phone: 402.280.2884
Fax: 402.280.1454

Mailing Address
Department of History
2500 California Plaza
Omaha NE 68178