National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1.800.273.TALK (8255) or text START to 741-741
Nebraska Family Helpline: 1.888.866.8660
Boys Town National Substance Abuse Hotline: 1.800.448.3000
Local Emergency Services:
Lasting Hope Recovery Center: 415 S. 25th Ave, 402.717.HOPE (4673)
CHI Immanuel Medical Center: 6901 N 72nd St, 402.572.2121
Online Well-Being Resources
Metro Omaha Medical Society Questionnaire
Take the anonymous, interactive screening questionnaire from the Metro Omaha Medical Society and receive confidential feedback about your stress levels.
Additional Online Resources
Below you will find free, anonymous, online screening resources to assess your well-being:
Mind Tools Burnout Self-Test—This 15 question test is quick and easy to take and automatically totals your score. Compare your score to the descriptions in the interpretation section to understand your results.
Psychology today Burnout Test (Service Fields)—There are 45 questions, so this test will take a bit longer than some others. A summary of your personalized results is provided at the end, with a paid option to get the full results.
Job Burnout Quiz—A 20 question quiz that provides a description of your results at the end.
Happiness—At the Positive Psychology Center at the University of Pennsylvania, you will find a variety of questionnaires related to happiness, well-being, life satisfaction, personal strengths, and more. You must log in to access the materials; responses are used for cumulative anonymous research purposes.