Budget Development Resources

Budget Development Resources

  • Direct and Facilities and Administrative (F&A or Indirect) Cost Reference Table
    This table, provided by Accounting Services, lists the account codes for various types of costs and indicates whether or not such costs are normally treated as direct or F&A (indirect) costs by Creighton University. Specific sponsor guidelines will also apply.
  • Calculating Effort for Grants
    Learn how to calculate person, academic, and summer months on your grant budget.
  • Budget Worksheets (MS Excel)
    This Excel file includes two worksheets to assist in planning your project budget. Worksheet A is for use in planning a detailed budget for the initial budget period, and Worksheet B is for use in planning the budget, in terms of direct costs, for the entire proposed period of support.
  • Sample Detailed Budget and Sample Budget Justification (MS Word)
    This Word document provides a sample budget and budget justification to give you an idea of the kinds of expenses you may need to consider in planning your project budget.
  • Budget Preparation Information
    Information on current facilities and administrative cost (indirect cost) rates and fringe benefit rates is listed below and is also provided on the Creighton University Institutional Information page. 

You will need the following rate information to prepare budgets for your proposed projects. These rates will be updated periodically. Sponsored Programs Administration will review budgets in all grant proposals to ensure that the appropriate rates are used.

Type of Grant

Negotiated Rate

Government Research Grant

On campus research: 47.0%
Off campus: 26.0%

  • Rates are based on: modified total direct costs
  • Cognizant agency: Department of Health and Human Services 
  • Current agreement date: July 3, 2024
  • Agreement effective: July 1, 2022 - June 30, 2025
  • Point of Contact: Birol Hasan (214) 767-3261

Industry-Sponsored or Foundation Grant

30% based on total direct costs

Instruction Grant


All Other Grants

Check with Sponsored Programs Administration

NIH Salary Limitation

NIH salary limitation is $221,900 effective January 1, 2024 (click here)

Fringe Benefit Rates

Type of Position/Grant

Rate from 7/1/2024-
6/30/2025 (%)

Full-time Fringe Benefit Rates*

Government Grants


Non-Government Grants


Part-time Fringe Benefit Rates

Government Grants


Non-Government Grants     


Graduate Student


Undergraduate Student


*If proposing a multi-year project, include a 3% increase in both salaries and fringe benefits for all years after Year 1.

NOTE: If your proposed project will generate hazardous waste, such as infectious or radioactive waste, you must budget for appropriate waste disposal. Contact the Department of Environmental Health and Safety at 402-546-6400 for assistance in estimating disposal costs.