MCEI Programs

Politics, Philosophy, and Economics Reading Groups

The Politics, Philosophy, and Economics Reading Group meets 6 times a semester to discuss topics at the intersection of politics, philosophy, and economics. Students do most of the discussion which is moderated by a faculty member. 


Gail Werner-Robertson Research Assistants

Gail Werner-Robertson Research Assistants are students who work closely with faculty members to support their research or collaborate as co-authors.


Gail Werner-Robertson Fellows

GWR - Fellows program is designed to support a full-semester or part-time undergraduate work on an original research project under the supervision of a faculty mentor.


Menard Scholars

(Our Business Research Fellows Program is now called Menard Scholars)

The Menard Scholars are a select group of Heider College of Business students who want to influence future business practices and improve society. This portion of the Heider Fellows Program enhances your undergraduate experience by gaining the knowledge and skills necessary to design your own research projects concerning policy questions like taxation, regulation, welfare programs, and collective decision-making. This formal academic mentoring program for high-achieving students, allows you to develop basic analysis, writing, and research skills focused on current events.

MCEI Business Fellows Program

IEI Program
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Contact Information

Menard Family Center For Economic Inquiry
Heider College of Business
Creighton University
Omaha, NE 68178

Menard Family Center for Economic Inquiry

Phone: 402.280.1887

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