Conflict of Interest Disclosure

Conflict of Interest Disclosure

The Creighton University Financial Conflict of Interest in Research Policy requires that the following individuals must complete an annual Financial Conflict of Interest Disclosure:

  • Anyone involved in the design, conduct, or reporting of a funded research project including Creighton Faculty, Graduate/Professional Students, and Support Staff. This also includes anyone who applies for or receives research related funding in whole or in part by a non-Creighton source (i.e. NIH, LB595, CURAS).
  • Any outside Investigators who conduct funded research under Creighton University review (ie. IRB or IACUC) including any sub-recipients of research funding through Creighton University. This Includes All CHI Health Employees.
  • All members of a Research Compliance committee (i.e. IRB, IACUC etc.)
  • A "Covered Official" as outlined in the Institutional Conflict of Interest in Research Policy, No 3.1.24.

Instructions for Completing your Annual Financial Conflict of Interest Disclosure

Submit Your Annual Financial Conflict of Interest Disclosure

For PHS-funded Investigators/Support Personnel there are additional requirements:

If you have any problems accessing the FCOI Disclosure, the CITI Training, or have any other questions, please contact Research Compliance at 402-280-3200 or

Public Accessibility

Under U.S. Department of Health and Human Services regulations, the public has the right to access information about financial conflicts of interest for any Public Health Services (PHS)-funded Investigators/Support personnel. Upon written request, Creighton University will provide this information within five business days of receipt of the request.

Written requests may be sent via email to:

Or by mail to:
Office of Research and Compliance
Criss Complex I, Room 111
2500 California Plaza
Omaha, NE 68178