Financial Conflict of Interest Disclosure

The annual FCOI Disclosure covers financial relationships currently held, remuneration received within the past 12 months (July 1, 2019-June 30, 2020) or current equity interest expected to be held (July 01, 2020-June 30, 2021).

You are required to submit an FCOI Disclosure if you meet the following criteria:

Anyone involved in the design, conduct, or reporting of a funded research project including Creighton Faculty, Graduate/Professional Students, and Support Staff. This also includes anyone who applies for or receives research related funding in whole or in part by a non-Creighton source (i.e. NIH, LB595, CURAS).

  • Any outside Investigators who conduct funded research under Creighton University review (ie. IRB or IACUC) including any subrecipients of research funding through Creighton University INCLUDING all CHI investigators and support staff.
  • All members of a Research Compliance committee (i.e. IRB, IACUC etc.)
  • A "Covered Official" as outlined in the Institutional Conflict of Interest in Research Policy, No 3.1.24.

Confidential Research Hotline

Research Personnel are expected to report any known or suspected noncompliant conduct related to research or sponsored program activities conducted and/or approved through Creighton University. You may report issues to our anonymous hotline by phone at 855.256.0478 or from our Compliance and Ethics website.

Research Personnel may also address their research compliance-related questions or concerns to the Director of Research Compliance at 402.280.2511.