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Preceptors & Experiential Learning

Giving Back to the Profession: Discover Experiential Learning.

The Office of Experiential Education is located in the Pharmacy Practice Department at Creighton University School of Pharmacy and Health Professions. The Office is responsible for managing Introductory and Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experiences (IPPEs and APPEs/rotations) for pharmacy students throughout the curriculum.

Experiential Education refers to pharmacy practice learning activities students complete within real-world pharmacy settings. Activities typically begin as an introduction to pharmacy practice during the first three years (IPPEs) and progress to higher levels of practice as students complete advanced experiences (APPEs) during the fourth year. 

Experiential Education comprises approximately 30 percent of the curriculum and includes both Introductory and Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experiences (IPPEs and APPEs).

Introductory Pharmacy Practice Experiences by year

Introductory Pharmacy Practice Experiences (IPPEs)

The Office of Experiential Education for the Pharmacy Program supports students as they transition through IPPEs and onto APPEs while at Creighton. The experiences at pharmacy practice sites allow students to apply the knowledge, skills and attitudes they have been developing in the classroom and laboratory settings. Many Creighton graduates are offered employment or residency opportunities at sites where they completed experiential requirements during pharmacy school.

Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experiences (APPEs)

The Experiential Office database includes over 1,000 pharmacy practice sites across the country. Office staff and faculty routinely work with all 50 states each year for student placements. Preceptors at these sites are highly trained pharmacists with expertise in their specialty area of pharmacy practice.  Students are encouraged to network in areas of interest to set up new experiential pharmacy practice opportunities.

Interested in becoming a preceptor? The Office of Experiential Education will follow-up with you about your submission. If you have questions or need assistance, please contact Kathy Widman.

Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experiences (APPEs)

Creighton is always looking for interesting, outstanding sites for our students. To meet our program’s requirements, we need high quality pharmacists to serve as preceptors in various pharmacy practice settings.

We welcome pharmacists to serve as teachers, mentors and role models for our students in various pharmacy practice environments. Creighton is always looking for interesting and outstanding sites in which our students can learn and grow professionally. Preceptors are needed for both Introductory and Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experiences.

Practicing pharmacists who serve as preceptors play a critical role in educating and training students in the real-world pharmacy practice environment. These experiences are essential to ensuring that students become competent and caring professionals.

The benefits of being an experiential preceptor are numerous, most notably the personal satisfaction of giving back to the profession. Preceptors also grow professionally by keeping abreast of current medications and treatment modalities and networking with potential future employees. As a preceptor, you will have the opportunity to demonstrate pharmacy skills and tasks in your area while supervising student activities, evaluating performance and providing meaningful feedback.


Serving as a Creighton preceptor is a rewarding experience:

  • Rewarding both personally and professionally.  Current preceptors enjoy giving back to the profession. We routinely hear comments like, “Pharmacists did it for me when I was in school so now it’s my turn.” Others have stated that having students “keeps me on my toes and helps me keep up with changes in medications and practice.”
  • Preceptors play a crucial role in the development of future pharmacy practitioners and the profession. High quality preceptors and educational experiences are vital in training students to provide excellent patient care, which will lead to highly skilled pharmacists continually improving practice.
  • Students can contribute ‘value-added’ benefits to the practice. Students not only contribute to the prescription/medication order processing and medication distribution, but also provide and assist with patient counseling and education, health screenings, medication therapy management, drug utilization review and new medication presentations.
  • Preceptors can also learn from pharmacy students by having students share information about current/new medications and novel approaches to treatment modalities and/or practice.
  • Preceptors can market their practice site as an appealing future place of employment for graduates. Many graduates select residencies and jobs in hospitals, pharmacies and clinics where they participated in an IPPE and/or APPE.
  • Free online access to Creighton University Health Sciences Library. A few of the resources offered include electronic full journal access (e.g., Pharmacotherapy, Am J Health Syst Pharm, JAMA, etc.), electronic drug information references (e.g., Clinical Pharmacology, Facts & Comparison), electronic textbooks (e.g., Pharmacotherapy: A Pathophysiologic Approach, Harrison’s Online, etc.), Medline and Natural Medicines Comprehensive Database. Preceptors who want access to Library Resources need to contact Kathy Widman at
  • Opportunities for continuing professional development as a practitioner and educator. Preceptors have access to free CE programs (online and webinar) and various teaching resources (e.g., journal club, preceptor toolbox) through Pharmacist’s Letter Preceptor Training and Resource Network. Preceptors also have access to discounted CE from Creighton’s pharmacy program.
  • Access to Creighton’s Center for Drug Information.  Preceptors can submit questions to the DI Center either online or by calling the toll-free number.
  • Contributed-service faculty appointment (clinical instructor rank) in Creighton’s School of Pharmacy and Health Professions. Preceptors who routinely take Creighton students are eligible for this appointment.

Interested in becoming a preceptor?

Please contact Kathy Widman at or fill out a request form.

For current preceptors and students looking for more detailed information about program such as preceptor packet information, syllabi, and grading forms, the information  is now located on the E*Value home page.  

If you do not remember your login name or password, you can click on the FORGOT YOUR PASSWORD? link under the login box.  Please contact Kathy Widman ( or 402.280.3664), or Kathy Stuhr ( or 402.280.3539) for assistance.

Christina Koutsari, CU PharmD 2016 (Distance): 

“As a distance student, with guidance from the Experiential  Office and perseverance, I set up four new APPE rotations that gave me the opportunity to gain experience in clinical fields that I was particularly interested in.  Subsequently, I matched as a PGY1 resident in one of these sites. The distance pathway allowed  me to tailor both the type and the order of my APPEs in a way that I benefited the most from my P4 year.”

Christine Tafoya, CU PharmD 2016 (Distance): 

“After my hospital introductory pharmacy practice experience (IPPE),  I knew I wanted to be an inpatient clinical pharmacist. My advanced pharmacy practice experiences (APPEs) solidified my decision to pursue a residency.  The fourth year of pharmacy school was full of networking opportunities, and pharmacy is a very small world.  Making a positive impression with my preceptors was a very strong reason why I believe I matched to my residency program. Also, my experience during my critical care rotation was excellent; I had a very inspirational preceptor and really enjoyed the challenge.  I am now strongly considering pursuing a PGY-2 in critical care.”

Sarah Adie, CU PharmD 2016 (Campus):

The experiential office at Creighton was extremely accommodating when scheduling my APPEs. My schedule ensured that I had a strong clinical knowledge base to be successful throughout the residency application process. These positive experiences solidified my interest in pursuing a residency and gave me the tools to be prepared for my future career. The Creighton faculty I encountered as preceptors challenged and inspired me to become a better pharmacist. They provided me with valuable learning opportunities and positive mentorship that allowed me to obtain my desired residency program.

Megan Lightfoot, CU PharmD 2016 (Campus):

“The opportunities for IPPE and APPE experiences at Creighton are abundant and guidance from faculty and coordinators allowed me to experience different areas of pharmacy that led me to my calling. With rotations ranging from serving in the Dominican Republic to the Creighton University Medical Center, I worked alongside pharmacists who are truly passionate about providing excellent patient care. This inspired me to follow my true calling to provide compassionate patient care for the Greater Glory of God as a Marian Sister and a pharmacist.“

Tara Dammer, CU PharmD 2016 (Campus):

“Setting up out-of-state rotations and selecting elective rotations allowed me to expand my pharmacy background! I was able to compare the healthcare system in Nebraska to Washington and Wisconsin.  My elective management rotation was completed in a rural healthcare system, which gave me the opportunity to experience both community and hospital management in five action-packed weeks!”

Ryan McCoy, CU PharmD 2016 (Campus):

“As a pharmacy student at Creighton, I was given opportunities that I wouldn’t have been able to if I had gone to another pharmacy school. Faculty members were instrumental in helping me develop as a pharmacist and were a tremendous help in securing the residency that I wanted. I had APPEs that were in Omaha as well as in Minnesota, Arizona, and Oregon. The APPE that I was able to set up in the Emergency Department in Phoenix, Arizona had a profound effect on who I wanted to be as a practitioner, and I’m extremely grateful for that opportunity.”

Wendy Weber, PharmD,​ Preceptor at CHI Creighton:

“Precepting students is a great way for me to stay current in my practice.  They routinely challenge me with thought provoking questions and interesting observations.  I may be the one “teaching” the students, but they have definitely taught me a thing or two over the years.”

Christy Havens, PharmD,​ Preceptor at CHI Bergan:

“I enjoy precepting students because they always have a fresh way of looking at things, and I feel like I learn from them almost as much as they learn from me.  I remember how important having real life experiences was when I went through school, and how much they supplemented what was taught in the classroom.  It is extremely important to be able to apply the things that you have learned, and also see how pharmacy is practiced in a real environment.”

Mark Harris, PharmD,​ Preceptor at CHI Mercy, CU Pharmacy Alum 1997:

“I enjoy precepting students, whether they are IPPE3 or APPE students, because I get to see them actually apply to real patients the knowledge that has been imparted to them in the classroom.  Precepting students also requires me to ensure that I stay abreast of current treatment strategies.”

Erin Santiago, PharmD,​ Preceptor at CHI Bergan, CU Pharmacy Alum 2012:

“As a preceptor, it is exciting to see a student’s education come full circle. I love to watch them connect something they learned in the classroom to a real life experience they have on rotation. In addition, they teach me so much through their fresh insights on the profession and it makes me proud as an alumnus to give back to the school that shaped my passion for pharmacy.”

Meredith Jolly, PharmD,​ Preceptor at CHI Lakeside, CU Pharmacy Alum 2006:

“I enjoy precepting students at CHI Health Lakeside inpatient pharmacy because we are proud of the quality care we provide at Lakeside.  It is an opportunity for students to experience a good example of a collaborative interprofessional environment in a community hospital setting.  Students gain experience working semi-independently providing clinical services to patients and are integral members of our team.  We value students’ time and efforts as they assist in accomplishing the goals of our department and ministry.”

Patty Lang, PharmD,​ Preceptor at CHI Immanuel, CU Pharmacy Alum 1989:

“Being a preceptor for the Creighton Pharmacy students is one of the most rewarding parts of my job.  It is exciting to see a new student experience another side of pharmacy that they may never have seen before. You get to see the student learn and grow to become an integral part of the healthcare team.  It is rewarding to get to know and teach new students every month and watch them develop their pharmacy and communication skills.”

Sean Berkey, PharmD,​ Preceptor at Alaska Native Medical Center in Anchorage, AK, CU Pharmacy Alum 2007:

“It’s not just that students are fun; they bring out the best in working pharmacists.  We remember those special moments when it hit us that we’d chosen the right career.  If we can structure a rotation to create those moments, over  and over, it honestly improves our practice.  Hopefully it also shines a light on this path of endlessly rewarding service.” 

Lisa Buss Preszler, PharmD,​ Preceptor at Mayo Clinic Pharmacy in Rochester, MN, CU Pharmacy Alum 1999:

“Pharmacy students bring enthusiasm and optimism about the profession to the clinical site that reinvigorates me and challenges me to do better for them.  As a preceptor, I enjoy watching the ‘aha moments’ unfold, whether it is a student  realizing they successfully applied their knowledge to provide patient care or seeing them decide the next steps in their career path.  By serving as a preceptor, I also hope to demonstrate the gratitude I have for the opportunities my Creighton education has provided.”

Landa Colvin-Marion, PharmD,​ Preceptor at Kansas State University Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital in Manhattan, KS, CU Pharmacy Alum 2011:

“I am indebted to Creighton School of Pharmacy for a fantastic education, so I enjoy precepting students as a way to give back to my alma mater and to build collaborative relationships with the new graduates! Working with Creighton students  gives me a feeling of ‘home’, and makes me proud to be an alumna seeing the quality of students that are still coming through the PharmD curriculum.”

Cindy Appleseth, RPh, Preceptor at Lakeview Hospital in Stillwater, MN, CU Pharmacy Alum 1979:

“As a Creighton graduate, I feel honored to give back to the University and serve as a preceptor and mentor for pharmacy students.  Creighton students are well prepared for our rotation and consistently demonstrate high ethical values. We always enjoy our Creighton student.”

Bruce Biundo, RPh, Preceptor at Professional Compounding Centers of America (PCCA):

“I enjoy meeting students, finding about their pharmacy interests, career possibilities, and then being able to give them more tools to help them be more successful.   One thing about this rotation is that the students are going to be exposed to a lot of clinical information, and will be given the opportunities to dig into subjects that they likely had little time to do in their didactic education.  As a pharmacist with a fair amount of scientific curiosity, I am a an example of a lifelong learner, and one of my joys as a preceptor is seeing that quality in them, the thought that what they have learned so far is just the beginning. And, that ongoing learning is fun, satisfying and very useful in a profession where there new information is constantly emerging.  I find it very satisfying to see students spend the time at PCCA with an expanded idea of who and what they can be as pharmacists, and am especially pleased when the students see how community pharmacy can be professionally and personally fulfilling.  My role here is teacher and mentor, and I really enjoy it.”

2022-2023 Pharmacy Program Preceptors of the Year

Therese Acamo, PharmD
CHI Health Clinic, Omaha, NE

Therese Acamo, PharmD

Dr. Therese Acamo is a pharmacist at the CHI Health Clinic on West Center Road in Omaha, NE.  She completed her Doctor of Pharmacy at the University of Nebraska Medical Center.  Dr. Acamo has been precepting pharmacy students from Creighton for several years for Introductory Community Shadow Visits (IPPE 1), Introductory Community Pharmacy Practice Experiences (IPPE 2), and Community Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experiences (APPEs).  Her nominations from students included the following statements, “ My preceptor was very welcoming and made my experience very positive. She made sure I learned anything I didn't know, but also let me do things on my own when she felt confident and trusted me. I felt like I was able to become comfortable quickly which made it easier to learn and do my work.  She is the kindest pharmacist I have ever met. She goes above and beyond at her job to personally get to know all her patients. She provides them with many check-in calls to make sure they are compliant with their medications which many pharmacists I have worked with do not. She is always willing to help, and I am so lucky to have worked under her for my IPPE 2. “ Another student said, “ I was new to the community environment, so I was nervous at first but quickly became comfortable. I felt welcomed and even the customers were awesome. The three weeks went fast, but I am thankful for the positive experience.  They always provided a warm welcome every day I was there. Any question I had or help I needed finding a drug was immediately addressed as I was never left stranded.”

Students commented that both Dr. Acamo and the pharmacy made them feel welcomed and taught them so much!

Maria Boni, RPh
Mercy Hospital – Rockville Centre, Rockville Centre, NY

Maria Boni, RPh

Maria Boni, R.Ph., graduated from St. John’s University and has a committed hospital pharmacy practice history which includes four years of service at Mt. Sinai Medical Center and decades of valuable investment precepting students while at Mercy Hospital, Rockville Centre. Dr. Boni enjoys teaching students the comprehensive dynamics of hospital pharmacy and feels a sense of responsibility to pay it forward in the profession. One of her recent Creighton IPPE 3 students reflected fondly, “My preceptor always made sure I had the opportunity of seeing and learning new things throughout my rotation. I had the opportunity of working in the IV room for a few days where I learned so much about making IVs and insulin preparations.  I also rotated with transition of care clinical pharmacist where I had the opportunity of learning how things are managed when patients come into the hospital and pharmacist's role when a patient is being discharged. All the Pharmacists also taught me how to work on the EPIC system in addition to things that needed to be verified in the patients' charts, physicians' notes, labs, CrCl to accurately verify medications. I was also taught how to handle controlled substances in the narcotics room, how to manage inventory, and how to return and dispose of controlled substances properly. Overall, I learned so many informative things during my hospital rotation at Mercy hospital that it is actually difficult to give only few examples.” This particular student summarized by saying, “I had the best preceptor, and I sincerely believe all the students would be lucky to have her as their preceptor as well!”

Tamara Greek, PharmD, RPh
Costco, Phoenix, AZ

Tamara Greek, PharmD, RPh

Dr. Tamara Greek is the Pharmacy Manager and Pharmacist in Charge at Costco Pharmacy #436 on Elliott Rd in Tempe, AZ. Dr Greek completed her Doctor of Pharmacy degree from University of Cincinnati and has been precepting Creighton pharmacy students for the past few years for Introductory Community Shadow Visits (IPPE 1), Introductory Community Pharmacy Practice Experiences (IPPE 2), and Community Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experiences (APPEs).  Students nominated Dr. Greek due to her welcoming and supportive environment within her busy community pharmacy. Other comments from student nominations included: “This community rotation was an excellent experience. While I was able to gain much experience in a community setting, the environment was also very welcoming. Dr. Greek and her whole team welcomed me with open arms.  Everybody was so helpful and supportive of my learning.”  Other students also commented, “Dr. Greek is kind, patient, and a force to work with.  Even when she was busy, she made sure I am learning every single second. She was very kind and patient with me She leads by example and treats the pharmacist position with the delicacy it deserves.  It is through Dr. Greek that I was able to learn processes and sticking to a process every time as well as her attention to detail as she reviews every single medication.  She is kind and patient with her team, and as a result, her team is kind and patient with each other.  I am so thankful for everything I was able to learn from Dr. Greek.” Students especially appreciated Dr. Greek and her entire pharmacy team with how they made them feel welcomed and taught them so much each day.

Michaela Hrdy, PharmD
VA Nebraska-Western Iowa Health Care System, Omaha, NE

Michaela Hrdy, PharmD

Dr. Michaela Hrdy is a clinical pharmacist and Pharmacy Residency Program Director at the VA Nebraska-Western Iowa Health Care System in Omaha, NE.  She completed her Doctor of Pharmacy at Creighton University and Pharmacy Practice Residency at Bergan Mercy Medical Center and Creighton School of Pharmacy and Health Professions. Dr. Hrdy has been precepting Creighton pharmacy students for several years for an Elective Cardiology Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experience.  Her nominations from students included the following comments, “Dr. Hrdy has a strong background and experience in the field of cardiology and demonstrated a deep understanding of pharmacy practice and its application in clinical settings. Also, she demonstrated exceptional teaching and mentorship skills that helped me to enrich my learning experience. Dr. Hrdy is approachable and supportive and provided constructive feedback to help me grow and improve. I really enjoyed working with her.” Another student stated, “Dr. Hrdy is an amazing preceptor who went out of her way to make sure I was always learning something new. At the same time, she provided a great learning environment and was always providing encouragement and positive feedback/critiques. She made sure I was comfortable but also pushed me to try things such as interviewing patients by myself and presenting those patients to the cardiologist. She truly has a passion for pharmacy as well as passing on her knowledge to her students. She truly deserves recognition for her efforts.”

Brandi Lodge, PharmD, BCPS
St. Joseph’s Hospital & Medical Center, Phoenix, AZ

Brandi Lodge, PharmD, BCPS

Dr. Brandi Lodge is a pharmacist at St. Joseph’s Hospital and Medical Center in Phoenix, AZ. She completed her Doctor of Pharmacy at Ferris State University College of Pharmacy in 2017 and completed a PGY1 residency at HonorHealth Scottsdale Medical Center. Dr. Lodge is a new preceptor for Creighton pharmacy students and primarily focuses on Introductory Community Shadow Visits (IPPE 1) and Introductory Hospital Pharmacy Practice Experiences (IPPE 3). Her nominations from students included the following selected comments:

Dr. Lodge is truly dedicated to her role in the service and benefit of the students’ learning and coordinated an excellent schedule for all the students. She was comforting, informative, insightful and an overall pleasure as an individual and preceptor. She also went above and beyond with communication, preparation for the students, and making sure everything went smoothly for all the students. She is a great role model for students and made a significant difference in our learning. The preceptor was well prepared with a great schedule for us, she made sure to communicate with us even during her off days to make sure that we are doing okay. I had an incredible experience as a student and learner in this new type of patient environment. This preceptor, though she is new, designed my schedule in a way that optimized my learning – you could tell that both quality and time were used in its making

Cheryl McCullouch, RPh
Glen Oaks Hospital, Greenville, TX

Cheryl McCullouch, RPh

Cheryl McCullouch, RPh, is Director of Pharmacy at Glen Oaks Hospital in Greenville, TX.  She completed her pharmacy degree from Southwestern Oklahoma State University and has worked in the behavioral health field for the past ten years. Cheryl has worked with Creighton students for both Introductory Hospital Pharmacy Practice Experiences (IPPE 3) as well as Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experiences (APPEs) within the hospital setting. Students nominated her based on her being a great teacher and her commitment to improving patient outcomes. Selected comments from her nomination included “Cheryl is an amazing preceptor. She has helped me to be able to collaborate with all parts of the hospital and see the different disciplines work together to enhance patient care. She is very understanding, patient, and really helped me to learn and grow as a pharmacy student.” Other students stated, “This is a great rotation. Cheryl is a great teacher and puts you at ease even if you don’t know something. She is very committed to being proactive and doing whatever is necessary to improve patient outcomes. She always goes above and beyond what is required to make sure all patients and coworkers have a great experience. She is the best preceptor I have ever had.  Cheryl models professionalism both in her interactions with administrative and healthcare professionals at the hospital and in her interactions with patients. When speaking to behavioral health patients, she's always patient and empathetic. She goes above and beyond the responsibilities of her department by helping out wherever she can and supporting other departments that need extra help. As a preceptor, Cheryl really spends a lot of time ensuring interns are directly involved or at least can observe all hospital departments.”

Office of Experiential Education

Pharmacy Practice Department

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Please contact Kathy Widman at for assistance.