Histology Services

Tissue processing, embedding, sectioning, and staining are available a la carte, with complete processing from fixed tissue to a stained slide available for a discount. Samples can be submitted in fixative or ethanol, or provided as blocks or slides. The tissue processor is routinely run overnight on Mondays, and you will be contacted when your blocks and slides are ready. Immediate processing is available for a rush charge.

Service Costs

Complete H&E service: $8
Includes processing, embedding, sectioning, and one H&E

Processing and embedding: $3

  • Tissue trimming: $1
  • Histology cassette: $1

Sectioning: $4
Two sections per slide standard

  • Additional slides: $2.50
  • Additional section: $1.50

H&E staining: $2

There is a 50% surcharge for rush orders and researchers outside of Creighton.

Sample Handling and Submission

    Contact the core with questions or assistance before you place an order.

    • Tissues submitted to the histology core for processing should already be fixed and trimmed to no more than 3mm wide. Larger samples will receive a $1 trimming charge.
    • Submit tissues for processing in 70% ethanol, or 10% formalin. Samples submitted in formalin must be labeled.
    • Fully describe embedding orientation on order form. Contact the core before order submission if there is any potential ambiguity
    • If supplying tissue in your own histology cassettes, clearly label the cassette with pencil. Ensure all labels match your requisition.

    Required forms:

    Bring a completed form and your samples to 382 Criss III.