Sponsored Programs Administration uses the InfoEd electronic submission system for all external and most internal grant submissions. If you have questions, contact Sponsored Programs Administration at spa@creighton.edu or 402-280-3209.
When you decide to submit a grant application, please complete the Intent to Submit form.
Please note, all applications must begin routing no less than five business days before the deadline.
Access InfoEd at http://creighton.infoedglobal.com/.
Sponsored Programs Administration holds "Open Door" hours daily via Zoom for anyone who needs assistance with the system. Dates and times are as follows:
If you would like to schedule time to work with Sponsored Programs outside of these hours, please contact us at 402.280.2064 or spa@creighton.edu.
If you are adding a subaward to your budget or a Consultant/Other Significant Contributor to the Personnel tab, the institution name and the names of individuals from that institution who will be involved in the grant must be included in the InfoEd database. If you discover that this information isn't already available, fill out the Subaward Information Form to send a request to Sponsored Programs Administration. PLEASE NOTE: You should also use this form if the subaward organization is already in InfoEd but you need to add the name of an investigator at that institution. We will let you know when it's been added.
If you can't find a sponsor listed in InfoEd, we can add it for you. Use the Sponsor Information Form to send the information to Sponsored Programs Administration and we'll let you know when it's been added.