Radiation Safety Committee (RSC)

Radiation Safety

Creighton University is guided by state and federal regulations governing safe use, transportation, and disposal of radioactive materials, radiation-generating equipment, and lasers. The Radiation Safety Committee (RSC) reviews and approves the use of radioactive materials for clinical, research, and educational purposes. It represents Creighton in regulatory matters with the Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services, Regulation and Licensure. The Radiation Safety Office ensures appropriate training of personnel, monitors personnel exposure to radiation, and documents use of radioactive materials and radiation-generating equipment according to regulations, and reports this information to the RSC. The Radiation Safety Office also oversees appropriate handling and disposal of radioactive waste.  

It is the responsibility of the Authorized User to initiate a review and seek approval from the RSC prior to using radioactive materials for clinical, research, or educational purposes. Those using radiation-generating equipment or lasers must first notify the Radiation Safety Office to register the equipment and to ensure proper personnel badging. It is the responsibility of the Authorized User to seek approval from the RDRC prior to initiating research that involves exposure of human subjects to radioactive drugs. An Investigator who will be exposing human subjects to any radiation beyond what is clinically standard in a research protocol must obtain approval from the RSC.

Radiation Frequenter Training is required for any person who needs access to the radioactive labs/clinics, but will not be directly working with the radiation sources. This training is designed for workers in radioactive material labs as well as labs/clinics that house radiation generating equipment. This training is expected to be completed on an annual basis, i.e., every calendar year. 

Access the training by clicking on this link: 

Radiation Safety Frequenter and Lab Safety Training

Radiation Safety Committee Member Roster (PDF)

Chair: Nancy Hanson, PhD
Assistant Professor, Department of Microbiology and Immunology
School of Medicine 
Phone: 402-280-5570

Radiation Safety OfficerJayne Samp
Radiation Safety Office
Phone: 402-280-5570

Radiation Safety Office

Jayne E. Samp
Radiation Safety Officer
Phone: 402-280-5570
Fax: 402-280-1161

Contracted Support

Nancy Hanson, PhD
Assistant Professor and Chair, Radiation Safety Committee
Department of Microbiology and Immunology
School of Medicine
Phone: 402-280-5837

Compliance Support

Joseph A. Knezetic, PhD
Director of Research Compliance 
Creighton University
Phone: 402-280-2511
Fax: 402-280-4766

The Radiation Safety Committee meets on a quarterly basis.

The Inspection and Enforcement Manual was created to establish the procedures for the conduct of audits (inspections) by the Radiation Safety Office under §1 and §14 of the Radiation Safety Manual for Creighton University/Saint Joseph Hospital. The Inspection and Enforcement Manual will be reviewed and/or revised periodically by the Radiation Safety Officer and the Radiation Safety Committee to ensure that it operates as an effective tool to ensure compliance with requirements under Creighton University's broad scope license. 

Radiation Safety Office Inspection and Enforcement Policy and Procedure (PDF)

Federal Laws and Regulations

Nebraska Regulations

  • Nebraska Health and Human Services Regulation and Licensure Title 180, Control of Radiation 
  • Nebraska Health and Human Services Radioactive Materials Program

Creighton University

Creighton University New Employee Orientation

The Radiation Safety office has provided a brief online presentation to provide awareness to new employees participating in Human Resources' New Hire process. Information includes a general overview of radiation safety principles, identification of Radiation Safety Office personnel, and information regarding further training requirements for employees who will be working with radiation as part of their duties. 

Creighton University Radiation Frequenter Training

Radiation Frequenter Training is required for any person who needs access to the radioactive labs/clinics, but will not be directly working with the radiation sources. This training is designed for workers in radioactive material labs as well as labs/clinics that house radiation generating equipment. This training is expected to be completed on an annual basis, i.e., every calendar year. 

Access the training by clicking on this link:  

Radiation Safety Frequenter and Lab Safety Training

Radiation Safety Training and Required Annual Refresher Training

All Authorized Users and radiation workers who use radioactive materials as part of their efforts are required to meet with the Radiation Safety Office personnel for documentation and completion of training before they are allowed to handle radioactive materials. Specific training requirements are outlined in the Radiation Safety Manual, Section 7 and described in the  Training Requirements flowchart. Individuals who will work with radiation generating equipment as part of their employment will also need to document initial training through the Radiation Safety Office. Requirements vary by type of equipment and the applications. Contact the Radiation Safety Office for further information. Personnel who frequent any of these areas but who do not handle or use the radioactivity are required to complete the online frequenter training. 

All Authorized Users, radiation safety workers and ancillary personnel (e.g. Public Safety, Mail Center, Housekeeping, Maintenance) are required to attend annual refresher radiation safety training provided by the Radiation Safety Office. 

Required annual refresher training for x-ray personnel will be provided online. Frequenters are expected to annually complete the frequenter training requirements. 
X-ray Training

Please contact the Radiation Safety office at 402-280-5570 if you have any questions regarding training requirements. 

Laser Safety Training

The Laser Safety Training is required for all personnel working with high powered lasers. A student may also be required to complete the laser safety training when a faculty member request it. A passing score on the laser safety training is 80%.

Please direct all questions or concerns to the Laser Safety Officer, Dr. David Sidebottom.

The Laser Safety Training can be found at the following link:

Laser Safety Training (CU506)

Once you have watched the video please complete the accompanying quiz at the following link:

Laser Safety Quiz